Commit is a Cutting Edge guild obtaining CE every raid since BFA we promote competition while maintaining a family like atmosphere. We are recruiting exceptional raiders to help us quickly progress throughout. While not raiding, we are consistently pushing high keys, doing arenas, or just doing world content while we hang out in discord. Players of all skill and ilvl are welcome to join, we are looking to give you a home that you’ll love.
8/8 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace
Raid Times: Tues/Wed/Thurs - 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
Raid Expectations:
- Come to raid with a good attitude and knowledge of each of the fights.
- 90% raid attendance
- Keep talking to a minimum during raid pulls, if you see a vod or something helpful throw it to the RL in discord to keep coms clear; or in your personal discord channel.
- You must be logged in 15 minutes in advance, ready to go. Not being online and ready to go with forfeit your position in raid that night, unless notice has been given.
- Come prepared to raids with all items enchanted and with all gem slots equipped.
- You are expected to constantly improve you character, that means not just logging in for raid.
- Loot is raid council.
- BOE’s will be sold during prog for guild bank funds.
Currently looking for talented dps players, a healer and a tank
- All DPS roles will be considered
If interested in joining, please apply here:
Or reach out here:
Discord: Bowett, ZStryker, Samthepackleader
Battlenet: groovygnome#1180, SamNicole#1202, ZStryker#1185