I have a problem with the Command Table until i finished the last mission my troops were level 19 and my companion Niya the same, today when i acquired 2 new companions Yira and the Companion of Renown 4 Lv1, my troops went from lv 19 or 20* because i ended an exp mission to lv 1… So idk if this is intended or it was a bug.
I had the exact same thing happen to me. Would like an answer to this as well.
Bump. Same thing happened to me… I was wondering why my HP was so low, turns out everything reset back to level 1. The hell?
Bump. Still level 1.
Bump. Same thing happened to me. After acquiring Rahel today, I noticed my troops have all reverted to Lvl 1.
I’m also not getting any level 1 missions to send out my new companions.
Edit 12/2/2020 10am: Troups are still level 1 this morning at reset which means that my mission table is pretty much inactive atm. As I’m unable to start missions that are all matching my highest level companion.
Up you go! /10ch
Up to the top.
I had my first companion at level 14, and my troops were , I believe, 12 or 13 at the same time.
In my next Torghast run, I received a companion. When I went to my table after this, my troops had reset to level 1, matching the level of the new companion.
Same, I had Niya, and both of my troops, Ardenweald Grovetender and Ardenweald Trapper at level 15. Both of my troops had their level reset back to 1 randomly though.
Same thing happened to me and now my Troops are too low a level to complete the mission for Soulash. I want that Soulash added to my account Blizzard.
Bump. Noticed tonight too, seems like a bug that the troops are just matching the lowest level available companion but doesnt adjust when you slot them in so now I cannot complete any of the high level missions at all
Bump. UP TO THE TOP! Still level 1 troops, impossible to complete anything.
My troops were 6 like my companion. Got the new companion, troops now level 3.
Bumpnado. /10c
Bumped, exact same problem here. My troops all got reset from 18/19 after spamming 1000XP missions all week
For me my troops were set back to exactly the average of my companions (10.5 at the time). Currently with two 22 and two 8 companions, they are exactly the average of all at level 15.
This comment makes a lot of sense but… to be honest i don’t like it at all. Well it is what it is. Thx for this information (:
My companions were 13 1 and 1, and my troops went to 1. The average would’ve been 5.