Command click not working on mac

Since the pre patch I can’t simulate right click. Normally it’s command-click, but that’s not working and I tried every other possible combination.

Hey there Brigitteyre,

It looks like this is a known issue right now with Command Click on Mac computers. Command-Click no longer working

We are gathering data and ask you post on the thread linked above.


It’s been Control-click for the last 17 years of macOS. Try that.

I tried it. Control click doesn’t work. And for the last 12 years it’s been command click for me.

I’m having the same issue. Blizzard knows about the issue and was supposed to push an update today at 0700-0800 but I logged in at 0730 and was able to play. Command click still not working!

I have been having the same issue. Sometime if I use shift + Command click it works, but often it foes to the window where you select a number of the same items.