Coming soon to TBC…Incubi!

Joan was a figurehead and that breastplate was paper thin, designed for looks not defense. Full plate is simply HEAVY. Heck even chainmail is due to having to layer it with leather underneath.

Bezerkers among the norse went into battle buck nekid. Never see anyone complaining about that hahhaha.

Yeah the Romans fought the Celts and other Germanic tribes and some of their warriors would fight fully nude. A good portion of the world fought nude. Even today tribes in South America, parts of India and Africa don’t wear much.

Maybe someone can come with me in the Amazon and help me tell the Native women who are doing some hunting, fishing or general day to day stuff that wearing only a loin cloth is wrong. They could use some edumacation on the wrongness of being female and not wearing much.

This is what gets dev time while the game falls a part.

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that model is too high poly for tbc. make it worse!


You mean your animated pixels are heterosexual?

This game and this company are just done. Over. :joy:

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Too much fragile masculinity in these days.
Who cares? If you can summon a male or a female, who cares?
Does it really really hurt ANYTHING? You may say the reason of the change, well it’s rather inclusive for the people’s likes.
If you think this is worse or equal to literally cancel women and putting fruit instead of women, you should really check on your masculinity fragileness because you’re unbelievable.

If you ask any sane person, they wouldn’t care, because we are here for the loot. Blizz devs should keep their hands off women, adding an incubus is not even minuscule, it’s NOT a problem

What annoys me is that nobody was asking for these things in the game. The problem was sexual harassment of women at the workplace… not the /whistle emotes in the game

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Making small changes to a 15 year old game is an attempt to distract from such things.

They’re not going to stop, so there isn’t much to discuss IMO.

Literally the first three comments in this thread…

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I don’t really care tbh. If they want to add an Incubus then that’s great.

Focusing on fruit cups while the game is in flames, problem yes?

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Theyre doing the equality road which is having sexy male demons to go with out sexy female demons. No censorship or even removal, it’s player’s choice on which one to choose.
It’s just a model swap as the voice lines are all the same, same kit. Im just glad it isnt removing things like they’ve been doing with the fruit paintings. But I just wanna see how the low-poly Incubi will look like lol.

Warlock players been asking for Incubis for a long time, but im surprised they’re putting them into TBCC as they’ve neglected this part of the game for a long while.

EDIT: Guys, adding in a highly requested cosmetic change to a game isn’t SJW garbage. Not every change they’ve been doing is for ‘sjw’ reasons. Many are to cover their own butts (see: removals of paintings for fruit and anything involving Asrabi’s name and quests) due to the lawsuit. Only when NPCs start spouting some SoCal critical race theory (but in WoW form) or some other american issue (that wouldn’t relate to anybody outside of the USA)… then you can scream SJW.

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I’m not sure anyone is making that argument here about the Incubus, nobody seems to care this guy is being added. Just unsure how they’ll make it work with the model. (Here’s hoping for improved graphics options)

The removal of paintings aren’t to cover their butt, neither is a lot of changes nobody asked for. These changes happened in Diablo remaster where they removed statues etc they didn’t like. Blizzard has been making odd changes for a while now that seem to be more ideological driven over anything involving a lawsuit.

We’re probably gonna get a low poly version soon in a future ptr patch like we did with the lizard mount. As this round was quick text changes vs big additions (like a new model).

Nobody except Blizz’s crumbling PR team and 2-3 art devs on twitter wanted the paintings change. Corporations will do ANYTHING to weasel themselves out of trouble or lessen their charges, especially on the topics they’re being dragged to court for.

They’re in court rn for workplace sexism and sexual harassment claims; so pixelated, hyper sexualized paintings nobody rly looked at, 1 time sexist Quest texts from an orc in Azshara that people skipped on or npc flavor text that would be deemed offensive to a 2021 californian lawyer is goin out the window before they start digging into the game more and use it as proof of their claim. Anything and everything that’s from 2004 to now can be used against them.

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Am I the only player that would love a winged bowl of fruit with whip? Dream Whip…
I’ll see myself out…

It makes sense why blizzard would add incubi. They are the creature that imobilized and sexuallt assaulted specifically sleeping women . They want a more accurate representation of their management team.


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