Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Ayy! They finally gave in! Can’t wait to play one of my alts again.

I will be playing my Prot warrior and Warlock again.

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I will second that notion. That C & S is BiS for so many classes and at this point you have to dedicate all your time to PvP to get it leveled up to make a difference.

Sub count and player engagement dropped that low, eh?


This man spittin facts.

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But. But. Blizzard never listens to us? /sarcasm

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Yes! Happy to see the change that many have been asking for! Plus, its the last Patch of 8.3 we might as well enjoy it!

ANd another Blizzard can never win. They do something people want. And people still feel the need to whine and take shots at Blizzard. I wish these people would just leave the game since they seem to be so miserable no matter what.

Maybe Blizzard should just let all alts have all the BIS gear too if you main does and basically just make a lvl 1 toon and click a button and BAM max level and maxed out in everything like your main.

I think the words you want to use here is “8.3 content engage is very low due to essences”


Thank you so much! <3

…giggity…heh, heh. awright… :kissing_heart:

edit: still not getting that cloak though :shushing_face:

No, I’m quite content with my phrasing.

It only takes 15 weeks for those who arent able to achieve any rank in the arena system. The amount you receive increases based upon your rank. 1000-1399 is 1 I presume, 1400-1599 is 3 from what I have seen, and 1600+ is a maximum of 5. It takes 4 weeks if you are of the Challenger rank (1600) and dont even have the essence to start with.

LOL. All these recent QoL improvements will never be enough to bring me back to this snoozefest of a patch called 8.3. Reminds me of the Google Stadia :rofl:

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I’d still like to voice disagreement.

Progress like this shouldn’t be shared at the account level. It’s similar to having your main obtain a 475 weapon, and suddenly a vendor appears for all your alts to swing by and pick up 475 weapons of their own. Or an NPC that offers to set all your alts to the max level after you’ve achieved the max level on a single character.

Earning something in game like an essence on one character shouldn’t grant it to all characters across an account. Much like earning a high tiered weapon or character levels on a single character shouldn’t see it suddenly translate to all other characters across an account.

Janaury 14th
" So, that’s something we’re looking at — acquisition rates overall, and tuning there — and certainly the lessons learned from this are going to inform how we design any such system in the future. But account-wide Essences are not on the table for Visions of N’Zoth ."

2 months later

And now your watch is ended.





It just made me very happy. At least my newbie alt now can grab a few essences.

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You’ll be able to do world quests 2% faster. Awesome!

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I’m good with that. Thanks for the encouragement. :wink: