I want to get back into Dragonflight. It feels weird to not be a part of retail. Depending on if I have enough space on my computer to hold it. Any way to make the download process go faster? Can I play wotlk while it downloads in the back ground or will the download pause when I start playing? Is there a risk to playing while the rest downloads? I recall it becomes playable during the download process. Or is Dragonflight even worth playing? I want to at least experience DF’s main story but I heard that’s not very long.
it is playable during download after only a few minutes.
games pretty fun right now, i’d say it’s probably one of the more fun expansions in recent times.
Welcome back to Azeroth (and friends)!
Faster internet and a better computer, but those things probably take longer to change than the download will take.
Yes you can! It shouldn’t. But you can pause the download manually if you want (not while playing).
There shouldn’t be, which is why the option is available. But it might be slow while things download as you need them.
In my opinion, yes it is!
If ya need storage space just delete WOTLK.
Don’t do it.
I came back recently too and been having fun. I think you can play while its downloading but depending on your connection it might make you lag a bunch
Unless you are getting Gig internet and trying to download onto a 5400 RPM HDD, you will notice a much larger download increase upgrading your internet over your computer.
Lot’s of catch up in place already OP, you’ll be fine.
There is a setting called “Pause updates when I launch a game” (click on the gear icon next to your Play button and go to “Downloads”), which might cause the Dragonflight download to pause when you launch Wrath Classic. If so, just uncheck it. Playing another game during the download may slow down your download and/or cause lag in the game you’re playing, but it might be fine. Only way to find out is to try it.
Download speed depends on your internet and your computer, like Rita said. If you’re downloading over WiFi and you have the option to plug into ethernet instead, that may help.
It does become playable at a certain point during the download process, but it may be slow and you may run into things behaving oddly. Last time I played retail while it was downloading itself, I had to blindly mouse around on the Flightmaster map to find flightpoints because while the flightpoints (and their tooltips, luckily) did exist, the icons that mark them hadn’t been applied yet.
I like Dragonflight a lot. You, though, are the only one who can decide if it’s worth playing to you.
You can set a bandwidth limit.