Coming back to the game

Hey guys I have been on a break for a bit and im coming back for the next patch to give raiding a chance again if my work schedule permits. I am vibing pretty well with monk and hunter so far and im unsure which I should pick going into the raid next tier. I like survival most atm but i dont think mm is bad and im seeing bm is getting alot of quality of life stuff that might make it more enjoyable as well. for monk ww just feels great, but i dont think ill ever see myself playing mist and brew is pretty bad and hasnt been touched in like 2 years lol. what do you guys think?

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Whilst it is true that BrM is basically a forgotten spec at this point (pretty sure i’m the only person who plays BrM on NA servers these days), monk still allows for more flexibility than a pure dps class. But if you’re never gonna give BrM or MW a chance, then I guess it doesn’t matter since they both become pure dps specs at that point. Just play what you enjoy.

I still play monk because I find basically all hunter specs gross to play but quite enjoy BrM (despite it being the weakest tank in the game by far) and WW. I’m waiting on blizz to introduce the Tinker class that will be able to use bows so I can use them nice bow mogs without touching a hunter.

Welcome home! :yum:
Yeah hunters overall are getting a lot of changes in the upcoming patch. So you’d do well to read up on all that. Marksman is getting overhauled, and so is the packleader hero tree. So whichever spec you play you’ll likely have some adjusting to do.

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I am willing to try out brew but it just feels bad like i dont feel tanky enough by myself i have to have a really good healer holding my hand. I also while i dont mind tanking keys some dont wanna get stuck as the tank every time lol

yeah hunter as a whole is super new to me. I havent really touched it since ranged survival was in game lol had to post on another char wouldnt let me on hunter.

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Brewmaster is thr best raid tank in the game but if you want to flex healing and tank go monk
If you just wanna damage hunter
Me personally i gonna be tank and healing on my monk in s2 becauae drunk dude funny

MM is going to be basically a brand new spec come 11.1. I roll MM anyway and PTR didn’t work for me so I’m looking forward to messing with the changes.

Messed with BM and it seems alright, and there will be changes made for it. I haven’t been keeping tabs on Survival but it seemed ‘okay’ and think it will continue to be ‘okay’.

Keep in mind if you are going to try MM/BM you will need a ranged weapon as opposed to your melee one. Sadly makes trying out Survival a bit iffy because I’m sure not getting two different weapon classes crafted/looted/burning 1.8k Conquest just to try out another spec.

I’d say you should play hunter. If you go into a class expecting to ignore 2 of the 3 specs, you’re opening yourself to getting bored faster. Better to play the class you’re more likely utilize fully.

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Sounds like the hunter is the way to go.

According to radar dot io one of the two tanks in Team Liquid’s winning run was a Brew Master Monk. So they can’t be that bad.

There hasn’t been any threating dmg to tanks in raids for the last 75 million years, all tanks perform far above what raids require of them, because of that tank are always the last role to pick their class in high end guilds and they do this to fill the missing buffs. For example this year, MW wasn’t great early on, and all druid specs were clown, so missing the monk debuff and motw, those became their tank.

If all buffs are covered, they will pick BDK for extra add control, or the best ST dps tank, or something that gives utility to cheese some mechanics like prot pally.

When people refer to a tank as good or bad, it’s primarily in the context of M+ where tanking is actually pushed to its limit specially this season.

Yeah, unfortunately the only way they threaten tanks in raid these days is through one shot mechanics.

So is all of this what the RWF people are trying to figure out now in the PTR as they prepare for the next race or do they already know all of these details?

Well mw is S tier currently, at least in m+. Should do quite good in raid also.

Yeah a big part of what they do is just solving a 20 piece puzzle. They look at spec performances in the context of the new encounters, see which ones does the best in terms of DPS, then pick healers based on what’s needed with the heal checks and raid mechanics (which is why we often see disc priest because barrier is great at dealing with a lot of those), then count the buffs they have and optimize this to only be missing 2 that can be given by tanks then you pick these 2 tanks and you’re good to go. That’s why all RWF guilds end up with very similar compositions even if they don’t talk to each other.

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Idc about raid tank i mean for m+

If you gonna do heroic raiding mind as well do delves an get better gear, also no rolls

I am a bit skeptical about your statement you are ’ coming back " to the game , as you are posting on an 80 hunter, but Ill give you my two cents anyway.

I recommend playing Siren Isle for catch up gear , if you haven’t been playing TWW on your 80. Cause you know , the next patch will come out and it will be obsoleted.

If you are geared already , then just ignore this post.

I didnt say i hadnt played this expansion i played a bit and took a break for a while dealing with rl stuff. that doesnt have to do with my question though lol