If it were up to me, on Dragonflight release, every level 65+ character could one shot every mob or boss (even on mythic) from BFA content naked.
We will need changes to some bosses to be more easily soloable, especially in NyAlotha. And Opulence I think it’s called?
Wasn’t that also the time when starcraft 2 was relevant?
I don’t believe overwatch ever took off like starcraft… Which makes sense cause they play nothing like
Overwatch was the highest grossing PC game of 2016 and the player base continued to grow in 2017 so it probably was a big part of the MAUs.
Also, Im pretty sure Hearthstone is a large part of the 2017 number because of its popularity in the mobile market…although hearthstone’s popularity has gone down in the last couple years
I don’t know man I don’t really see many people talking about it. But I also don’t remember 2016 Beyond the circus that was our election year So let’s just say you’re right
Being punished for not having started wow before you were born is an outright stupid design principle.
Actually it used to be easier because players got stronger every expansion. Now they go back and make it harder.
They don’t actually have to do that. It didn’t do itself. They chose to do it.
Will take literally years to “earn” or $16,000 to buy. Again, a decision that is more likely to cost them new players than get millions of new players in because they can spend $16k on gear that was easily earned.
They’ve written off new players. They’re in it for short term profits.
Think that ship has sailed 
As long as that wouldn’t interfere with my ability to attempt some of the more obscure “Glory of the Whatever” achievements.
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I agree, they should remove power scaling, people obviously are too priviledged and cannot appreciate that soloing used to actually take some sort of ingenious gameplay strategy. Now it’s simply wait until blizzard nerfs it, or it becomes 2 expansions ahead.
Blizzard did change yog saron to not remove so much sanity, making it possible for any class to solo it and they changed gorefiend in mythic hellfire citadel to behave differently if you have only one player. (been a long time since i did gorefiend, so i forget what they changed but i do know now that people can solo it when i couldnt solo it in legion)
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I considered that and thought maybe they could add the buff to an item like a tabard.
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One thing to consider are the achievements. Which couldn’t be done if every boss died when you slapped it.
I still need to find the hidden guys in the fog… one day I’ll ride that dinosaur bird…
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I think that’s what they were trying to do when they came up with the free Shadowlands offer, Shadowlands free for anyone who has ever had a license to the game in the past but didn’t buy it. And a level 50 boost!
So how many players did that bring in who hadn’t played in many years? My guess is not all that many, because a lot of those people are no longer using the same email they were back then. Some of those players didn’t play wow very long before quitting the first time, because new player retention has always been marginal. And if they hadn’t played in many years and boosted to 50, I think they were going to be confused and shellshocked at what the game had become. Some have suggested it was done just to get a spike in MAU’s.
I actually think that I and others like me were the target demographic, players who maintained a subscription even though they hadn’t bought the expansion, who just played old content, leveled to 50, and collected stuff. But that’s if they wanted more participation in Shadowlands, or if they were hoping that giving players like me Shadowlands meant I would be more likely to prepurchase and play Dragonflight.
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Hard nope. This sounds like farming versus nostalgia
Mythic Tomb, Kil’jaeden is not soloable unless there is something I’m missing. Since the knock back is an auto kill.
Also, please let us skip Spine of Deathwing please, thank you.
They should just add in vehicle like mechanics like when you play Chen Stormstout in that brewery.
Just crotch laser everything to death or AoE fart clouds.
Im sorry but this needs a source. OG Wrath hit close to 12mil and that was an unbeleiveable, unprecedented number that is basically considered the gold standard of mmo history.
You’re telling me as people aged out of wow and expansions became less new-player-friendly they had 4 times as many people playing??
I see both sides. Like, if you spent tons of time trying to obtain some special drop, then 3 years later a new player (or even Alts) goes and gets it in their spare time, I would understand being irritated by that. The time you committed sort of means nothing later on.
I also think they should not remove items or make them unobtainable. If they need to change the stats then fine, but it sucks hopping into a game and seeing things that are unobtainable just because you weren’t playing at some point (this does not include reoccurring seasonal events).
I don’t see much wrong with needing to find a few treasure hunters to group up with.
Lmao y’all have to be seriously delusional if you think WoW is going to die because of a lack of convenience/catch up features. the only reason the game is even alive right now is because such a huge portion of the player base wanted to go back to a time before all the convenience you’re so desperate for. Even so, I 100% agree that retail should be turned in to a fully modern MMO experience with as much or as little challenge as the players choose to take on, if only bc it gives ppl who want that a place to go instead of ruining classic
You are confusing the “subscriber” metric - which actually was 12 million during Wrath - with monthly active users, which is a metric that means, among other things, that a player who logs in once a month on multiple devices counts as more than one MAU. So everyone who used the phone app to do missions counted as another MAU.
I have never seen a breakdown specifically, but that’s just an illustration of how the numbers are not comparable and are difficult to interpret. One thing they didn’t want to do was release use numbers from which subscriber numbers could be easily derived.
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“come on man” quote attributed to Sleepy Joe Biden concerning anything other than Ice cream…
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