Come on Blizzard, buff Arms for PVP

I dont think you ever consider running relent outside of human

Because its easy as fury to w key people and not think about anything

Nobody is going to mock you for playing arms. Theyre going to mock you for playing arms poorly.

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Really I think it’s situational particularly in arenas, to whom you’re versing.

:joy: Lmao

Generally it was smack-talk in the waiting room before the BG had even began, so it’d be the former than the latter. That being said - common sense isn’t very common. lol

Im going to start laughing at you soon

Well, given majority of all PVP guides and top tier PVP players who’re streamers tend to ultimately agree; I’d say they’d be doing the same at you. :woman_shrugging:

Theres going to be zero guides that say situationally run relent so you sit a 6 second root when your healer doesn’t dispel you instead of 8 seconds

Edit: unless you are a human. If it wasn’t clear from my previous post that human is the only reason to consider relent as an option

this is an old topic guys,
I change my opinion completely, this topic mostly was during pre-catalyst creation.

Arms is actually great again.
It could still use the Defense Stance un-nerf though.


THiS!!! This is so True!!!

I’ve been using selfless healer a lot in lvl and it’s awesome when defending a flag or base once combats over your max health in seconds, but if it would tick in combat like the druids passive Yesara gift or whatever it is, that would be awesome. A little boring, but awesome.

going to assume you’re talking about second wind, which is literally a dead pick in actual pvp.

I can agree the D stance nerf shouldn’t have happened but a conduit kind of helps that you heal when you take dmg. It seems we are good with 1 vrs 1 fights maybe 1 vrs 2 but the spec struggles with CC bombing where if we were focused by everyone’s CC’s at the same time. (D stance nerfed or un nerfed wouldn’t stop that at all)

Yes I understand you made this comment around a month ago.

The conduit is nerfed 50% in pvp and can proc when you are full health taking damage on an absorb, effectively wasting its entire pathetic heal. its really not that good.

I have mixed feelings about warrior pvp all around currently.

Arms and Fury are both good, don’t get me wrong. I give the edge to fury though simply because of the d stance nerf and generally a better mortal strike effect.

Arms has really good chunk damage, while fury applies good pressure consistently. Fury feels more durable - being able to use Enraged Regen while stunned, on top of passive slight healing effects such as Battle Trance if you use it and Blood Thirst. Plus, Fury doesn’t have to sacrifice damage for its’ D stance effects
their D stance effect literally revolves around them staying on target. Sacrificing 20% damage dealt for 10% less damage taken feels absolutely awful.

I don’t like either spec’s rotation too much. Arms is clunky and fury feels like it’s designed for an 11 year old absolutely smoked on adderall and 2 liters of mountain dew.

Another massive issue I have with arms that I don’t have with fury because fury runs necro - kyrian feels terrible. Almost every class has a way to just walk right out of your spear. Priests can fade out of it, rogues can shadowstep or cloak out of it, locks can port or gate out of it, mages can blink out of it, DKs can AMS out of it, and anyone who is night fae can soulshape out of it I’m pretty sure.

All that said, I can put in absolute work as either spec in PvP so I’m happy on that front. But I do think the D stance nerf for arms needs to be reverted and Kyrian Spear needs to be buffed so that so many specs can’t just walk out of it - it feels pretty bad and like a complete waste of a CD/covenant pick when you throw it down and a rogue just shadowsteps his partner to get out of it.

Then you’ll see people flocking back to arms.

And I know this is gonna start a war but, I think fury’s MS effect should either be toned down, or arms’ MS effect should be buffed. Maybe flip the two - make arms’ MS 40% and fury’s 25%.

“But then Sharpen Blade only buffs the next MS by 10%!”

Well, then make Sharpen Blade stack with MS and make it an additional 15-25% on top of MS for its’ duration.


I cant believe you just suggested arms should have a 40% mortal strike

Oh I’m aware it’s a bit of a biased take.

I just wish Impending victory was base for Arms. I feel like it should considering they don’t have any form of self healing anyways.

Un nerf D stance.

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