!!We solemnly swear we are up to no good!!
Mischievous Misfits is made up of a bunch of people who just like to play this game. Rather it be Current or Classic, we like it. To be honest we kind of like the current game just a little bit more. Sure we had fun in classic, and some of us will dabble with it upon release for nostalgia, but current Wow is where most of our adventurers will continue.
Things to know about us:
1.) Besides the Guild Leader, we really have no officers. All members have a say, not just the inner circle few. Have found picking officers leads to favorites, then to resentment, then to drama. Hence no officers.
2.) Instant Bank Access. No crazy rules. If an unscrupulous person cleans us out, we will replace it. I mean stuff in the bank is mostly junk anyways.
3.) All members can invite. No waiting for an officer or other goon to get a friend into the guild. Keep in mind our leader is very watchful, and trouble makers will be expelled.
4.) While we dabble in raiding from time to time, it is not our focus. If you are looking for hard core raiding, we are not for you.
5.) Real life comes first with us. There is no way a game should ever be more important than your real life, ever.
Mostly we just like to have adventure and have fun. If this sounds appealing give us a shot.