Hey guys, so in particular the Elite PvP Transmog sets in Cata are very nice and those that achieve 2200 rating in Arenas unlock these gear sets. It would be very cool if Blizzard connected all transmogable items from the 2019 original re-release of Classic to Retail WoW.
I understand many people on retail with special elite mogs might disagree, but getting 2200 in the re-release of Cata Classic is much harder then it was back then, that may sound like an excuse, but nonethless my gut tells me the majority of pvpers from retail have gone back to play Cata Classic etc, anyway I agree that Rank 1 titles should not be transferable and or Scarab Lord and or Legendary mounts, all I am suggesting is that all trangmogable gear obtained on Classic be connected with Retail, that would be amazing, let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of your day. I orginally put this topic in Cata Classic forums, but it needs to be here aswell. ggs
They’re largely against this sort of thing because the game and how people play it are worlds apart from the actual thing.
Folks back in 2004-09 had terrible internet and computers and all that stuff, so completing stuff that was ‘easy’ by today’s standards was still an achievement.
Knowledge is everywhere now, everything’s min-maxxed to death.
I was a kid at the time as well, so it was even more of an achievement to get things done back in the day lol.
A good example of this is Corrupted Ashbringer- Naxx from Classic is a total joke (again, by today’s standards), and if they allowed people in Retail to have it if they got it in 2019 Classic, well, everyone would be running around with the damned things.
Not only would it remove the prestige these items had, but it’s also gonna make Classic versions feel ‘required’ to play for people that want said items in Retail.
Most stuff is treated as ‘you had to be there’ or you just miss out.
Retail is a seasonal game these days, so it still applies.
Those are some good points, but I know Tier 3 has been on the black market since MoP, has not the Corrupted Ashbringer? I guess the idea I am suggesting is essentially what the black market is (without the bidding ofcourse), people bidding in hopes of attaining their long desired transmog pieces and or other collectables unattainable otherwise, but yeah thanks for the response.
Nah, just the armor and some select weapons like the servo arm you can get, but stuff like Corrupted Ashbringer isn’t obtainable.
I feel for people that want old items that aren’t obtainable, I really do, but there’s no real way to bring these back while keeping the ‘prestige’ of said items intact.
I missed out on pretty much all mage tower weapons in Legion with the exception of the hunter ones, really wish I went and got more for other classes lmao.
And I personally haven’t started chasing elite PvP sets myself until DF lol.
Most of this stuff was just a product of the times, and still kinda is.
There’s a ton of stuff that’s basically locked in the vault that people can no longer get.
Yeah very true the items will lose their orginal prestige. I guess the only other quetsion is how many expansions will the 2019 re-release of Classic go through until they call it quits and discontinue. I am confident MoP will come again and maybe beyond, but I guess will cross that bridge when we get there, thanks again, hehe
I would be up for specific classic realms with transmog unlocks. Wouldn’t mark them the same as traditional as players would play them entirely differently.
Feel free to go after those rewards in Cata Classic though.
Recolors. Let them stand alone, while still being obtainable.
I’d be down for that, but there’s a lot Blizzard would have to bring out and recolor lol.
Years and years worth of expansion FOMO items, challenge mode stuff, etc.
Funny enough, there’s already recolors of the CM sets in the game files, they just haven’t done anything with them.
The Stormcrow mount was in the game files since MoP, but was only recently put into the game with patch 11.0.7 as the new Thrayir mount:
That gutted me, but at least it was short and sweet, a quick gutting, hehe
Yep. And as a graphic artist, i can tell you how EASY it is to load a texture into photoshop and slide the hue to another color. 10 seconds, including the load time.