Combining Cata Classic Transmog Gear With Retail

Hey guys, so in particular the Elite PvP Transmog sets in Cata are very nice and those that achieve 2200 rating in Arenas unlock these gear sets. It would be very cool if Blizzard connected all transmogable items from the 2019 original re-release of Classic to Retail WoW.
I understand many people on retail with special elite mogs might disagree, but getting 2200 in the re-release of Cata Classic is much harder then it was back then, that may sound like an excuse, but nonethless my gut tells me the majority of pvpers from retail have gone back to play Cata Classic etc, anyway I agree that Rank 1 titles should not be transferable and or Scarab Lord and or Legendary mounts, all I am suggesting is that all trangmogable gear obtained on Classic be connected with Retail, that would be amazing, let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of your day. :slightly_smiling_face:

they said something recently about not wanting players to feel like they have to play other versions to get things for their version

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I agree with this unless it’s cosmetic items. I can assure you the next game or xpac blizzard releases will include a pet or mount for a different blizzard game, shooting the thing they recently said in the foot because money.

I don’t think Classic should impact Retail in any way and if one day Blizzard does allow Classic character to be transfered off etc. Anything that is unobtainable in Retail shouldn’t be allowed to go to retail.

if anything i’d rather have all my transmog on my retail account from Vanilla-Cata get ported over to classic. ive found myself wanting to make some mogs again and realizing i don’t have the items on classic and don’t feel like going out and farming them again

i’d like it if there were more cross promotional items like the frostbrood proto drake

I’d like if we could use transmogs in classic that we’ve unlocked in retail in cata, but only cata specific ones.

Maybe they should restore some of the stuff still missing from retail (like the myriad of still missing cata-removed recipes (e.g. Ebon Netherscale)) then…