Combine Drain Life, Drain Soul and Oblivion

This would reduce warlock ability bloat and it’s a great combo, the drain soul talent could be moved somewhere else so it doesn’t compete with shadow bolt damage, and the oblivion talent would just enhance both drain soul and drain life.

The name of the spell could start at drain life, then with the drain soul talent it would change to drain soul then oblivion.

Oblivion could make it have a shard cost and cd.

…and have it scale with mastery, but it’s no big deal.

Another thing would be to make soul swap base line for pver’s and have UA be usable on multi targets baseline, along with jinx being a talent in the warlock tree for pve QoL.

Both pvers and pvpers would benefit, because pvpers can then take reflect, impish, and long gate or observer. Otherwise we’re stuck going jinx/soulswap/multi UA.


We had this back in WOD, was deemed too OP

just posting here to test if blizz is blocking my messages and likes, but i agree something needs to change because other classes are healing for way more, way easier

yeah if my drain life had a shard cost and cd that would be fine as long as it healed.