Combine all Bags bug?

Is there a bug going around that makes all the items in your bag fill from the bottom to the top? Or is there a way to make it fill from top to bottom? Can’t seem to find the setting for it.

Thanks fren. Glad I’m not the only one losing my mind here.

did you get yours fixed? I tried everything in that reddit post and nothing worked.

Try installing Advanced Interface Options, there’s setting there about legacy bag sorting.

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("reverseCleanupBags",1) C_CVar.SetCVar("lootLeftmostBag",0)

The bags are actually filling correctly when new items are added, but when they are in combined mode the display for each bag is upside down. Advanced Interface Options does not have capability to fix this as well as the provided C_CVar script . Blizz needs to correct the display of the combined bags.

Could always grab Bagnon