Combating the corruption

combating the corruption - 6 hours and not 1 damm [Corrupted] NPC spawn
Come on blizzard this is a joke.
Then again the whole company is a joke .
Not sure why i even both posting NEVER get a post post reply.

They are freaking out of it. They are just pushing things where they do not check if it is broken or not.The new bfa meta is all garbo.

I had to do bumblebee quest for 7 times, I am glad I had an alli alt, and did all the story questlines a billion years ago. Why do I have to play the questline of the opposite faction, I have no idea. I guess they don’t have any brilliant content ideas left.

Yeah this one was rough, thankfully I had like 7/10 done but the last one took me like 2 hours alone

Just be glad that it reqs only 10 corrupted ones. I spent a fair share of my time and had to gave up. Now, it is a bit more bearable.

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You should make sure to setup a proper targeting macro as you fly around.

Corrupted spawn on land and along the waters of the southern coast.

Occassionally most of the Corrupteds can be clumped in certain areas. As only a specific amount are alive at the same time.

You need to kill a corrupted to have it respawn as another mob elsewhere on the map.

There is one specific corrupted around the main city of the zone thay respawns extremely quickly.
Wowhead has detailed information in the comments regarding ways to optimize farming them.

You can consider changing wm on/ off.

Nowadays its not uncommom to finish the whole achievement in a hour or less compared to the slog of every corrupted possible in the past.