Combat text Location Addon

Hi I’m trying to make A /run script that alters the position of the default floating combat text position into an addon but for whatever reason the addon will not run.

Here is the script I am Using

/run COMBAT_TEXT_LOCATIONS = {startX = 0,startY = 200 * COMBAT_TEXT_Y_SCALE,endX =0,endY = 225 * COMBAT_TEXT_Y_SCALE};

I have created the Lua File and the Toc file and removed the /run part of the script but when I log in it refuses to actually run the script.

I’ve only made A handful of scripts into addons before so I’m kind of stuck as to what the hiccup is.

The Blizzard_CombatText addon is marked LoadOnDemad (LOD) so your addon would have to load after that.

In your .toc file add:

## LoadOnDemand: 1
## LoadWith: Blizzard_CombatText

To the end of the other meta-data entries.

After the BCT addon is loaded, your addon will automatically load and run.