Combat Bug on Hardmode Grand Menagerie

Got stuck in combat during the hardmode Menagerie fight in Tazavesh after a wipe. So we couldn’t release, and we gave it several minutes before dropping group so that we would get ported out, and now we are all locked out of our dungeon. Have tried pretty much everything from restarting the group to make sure the original leader did the invites.

So now as it stands we are locked out of hardmode for the week because of a combat bug.


Same thing just happened to our group : )

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Exact same thing has just happened to us, everything going fine until we wiped on hardmode Grand Menagerie. We’d had a couple of wipes on the mailroom with no issues at all. It seems to be this specific fight.

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Gappened to us twice last night. Hadto fully rrset and go back to boss. Wiped again and same thing happened, we called it quits…

Im so pissed off at this buggy garbage quality patch.

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Yup same thing happened to us.

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