Hows Colo post buffs?
Not very good, makes mortal strike crit too hard.
You are unlikely to land a demolish against a player who isn’t afk
I dont like those channel like spells and they are even worse on melee specs
They should make demolish like templar strike. Make it manual and be 3 stages. That way you can use it while.moving.
The fact that demo is allowed to do such big numbers is predicated on the limitation that you can’t move while using it.
Then reduce its damage.
Demolish 1min cd 3 stage attack reduced by anger management
First attack deals moderate damage applies rend deep wounds a d colossus smash/warbreaker
Second attack deals high damage and slows the target by 70% for 4 seconds
Third attack deals high damage and stuns the target for 1 second non dr with other stuns. Maybe make it deal aoe (because pve)
None of these can be dodged or parried. You have a 5s window after each attack to use the next one. These have lower gcd so you can use them all 3 in quick sequence
I disagree, if I wanted to play templar strike I can just roll a pally. If I want fist of fury I can roll a monk. Let demolish be it’s own thing. Making warrior viable with it is the challenge
No paladin uses templar strike because crusading strikes is just much better.
You cant balance colossus based on a nuke that stuns you in place. Because if they have uptime and setup they will kill you and will feel cheap.
Colossus needs to be redesigned to be modern and multi stage attacks is a nice way to make it work
The people who post on this forum aren’t class devs
Slayer is still the way from what I’ve seen, and apparently Fury Warr is blasting people.
Rbgs it has its place but its more a… you will hit something spell. Even then its more valued for thunder clap dmg reduction.
Not worth, Colossus has nothing to compensate for Vicious Agility. It makes ALL the difference.
Colossus damage is fine but still worse than Slayer.
Less mobility.
Ignore pain is worthless, warrior still healing less than most classes.
Should have zero healing.
No ty.
If anything I’d rather it work like Searing Axe from Plunderstorm.
This would make it even worse lol.
Feels great when things line up and it takes 80% of a health bar. Like others have said, basically need someone to be afk for that to happen. If you care about charts and details numbers, Slayer is much better.
It’s more fun than Slayer to me, because I miss when the game was more about setting up a kill than holding W until dampening decides the outcome.
Using it to immune a stun is another great use, since you can’t reliably use the damage aspect.
It’s not even worth using. Just hold it for the extra overpower and bleed damage or go slayer.
Laros was slaughtering basically everyone with colossus turbo playing spear.
I think it’s really not that hard to set up between stormbolt, shockwave, and spear…
Again, laros said he liked it a LOT more than slayer. Almost certainly comp/mu dependant, though.
This is just flat wrong. Warrior has some of the highest self healing in the game, and that’s not even counting defensive stance.
True! I think the biggest problem people have is that they’re trying to use it like it’s PVE under perfect damage conditions when it’s okay to send it without Warbreaker or use it off the cuff with spear/stuns.
Got decimated by a Colossus smash Slayer Arms Warrior in Solo Shuffle. Dude went 6-0 with very minimal effort while hitting 1.5mil Mortal Strikes and 1.5mil Executes along with 900k Slayer Strikes
This would be a buff to Warr. So, yeah, sure.
Begun the male human era has