Collector's Edition Pets

You know people can express opinions without being fanatics about things, right? Just because we don’t like a decision doesn’t mean I’m going to jump off a bridge.

But I do think this is an awful decision, and it’s one that’s giving me serious pause about my participation in Classic. Not just for this decision, but its greater implications. And various other things that we’ve learned about today.


There are no greater implications.


But there could be. Has anybody been demanding this the way folks initially demanded Classic, and progressive this and that, and other vanilla-era stuff?

I have zero problem with folks who bought the original CE getting their extra mini-pets, and I would have zero problem with a Classic CE that gives people a second chance at that vanilla experience.


I am glad you get what is rightfully yours.


Except it won’t be the same experience because everyone and their mother will have it.

I heard that they changed that at some point so all mini-pets, even Murky, were account wide. But in the vanilla era, you got one Murky on one character, and that character is now on retail.

It would be a nice treat for those of us who had Murky to get him on one character in Classic, but I won’t be casting Unending Breath while I wait to find out.

I don’t see why the would even include this. With that being said, as long as this doesn’t carry over into anything else it’s not a major problem.

Wait for the 25 dollar Classic wow pet where the funds go to Make-A-Wish. If you complain about you are are terrible person and will go to hell. Then the next one is 15 bucks and only 50% of it goes to charity. Before you know it the cash shop is up.

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I DID tell you that what you interpreted as a “NO” was “very soft” and more of a “don’t count on it, but it could happen” type of response. Starman and I were both validated in reading things that way.

This wasn’t a reversal of anything.

I haven’t actually looked into the “layering” matter yet, so I’ll withhold judgement until I know more. If they’re doing what I think they’re doing with the “layers” then I’m probably okay with it.

At first glance from what I seen other say on the matter(haven’t seen the blue version yet), it sounds like it basically is the proposal that they create pseudo-linked realms that share a name-database and nothing else. So that when it comes time to merge realms, they can do so without the Realm-surname thing going on. Which after a fashion could be described as a “(semi-)permanent realm shard.” But I’m just speculating, now that I’ve found the dev interview, I’ll watch that before saying more.


yah how dare they raise funds for charities!


I cannot log into WoW and visit Thousand Needles and explore the Goblin race tracks with them. Well, at least not without being underwater.

The game I purchased with those pets no longer exists. But will once more with Classic WoW. It also seems that Blizzard agrees with us.


Benediction will be obtainable within Classic WoW.

The CE pets were only capable of being obtained with the CE. You’re comparing a grape with an apple. Sure, they have a number of things in common, but not much.


I have zero problem with that, too.

If “same experience” means categorically denying others the possibility to get something, rather than me simply having something, I am not on board. If I could get Murky back for myself, I wouldn’t care if everybody in Classic could also get him.

In any case, not everybody would buy a Classic Collector’s Edition. Back in the day, they were physical products made in a fixed quantity. In today’s digital age, that isn’t necessarily the case, but it’s likely, and even then not everbody would want to pay more for one extra in-game mini-pet.

In a way, Collector’s Editions were the first stirrings of today’s in-game shops. I’ve stated elsewhere on these forums that, looking at things that way, I didn’t mind not getting CE mini-pets. Now that we are getting them, I am not going to be the guy going “neener neener, I got mine so suck it”.

just make different colors available or something.

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Oh but now that would be a change. :wink:


Becuse “authentic experience”

Not only validated, but I told these people that they use soft blue posts as gospel whenever it’s convenient for them.

We were right.

Oh let’s not forget being called trolls.

Even better from WoWhead’s article, we were right from the moment it was posted. Ythisens, via Twitter, confirmed that the decision had been made to include the CE pets back when he made that post, but they decided not to announce it at the time.

Likely due to much of the (troll) response to that decision we’re now seeing, dropping it just before public beta limits their ability to do damage. Which was one of the theories floated even then, that they wouldn’t confirm it because of what the forum trolls would try to do with that knowledge.

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What post is that? I’m curous to read it.

I’m sorry that I don’t have $8000 to get access to content on day one of a new release.

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You still have months to petition Blizzard for a Classic Collector’s Edition. Just because they say they have no plans for one, doesn’t mean you can’t start a movement like the one that got us Classic in the first place. I’ll even sign your petition, even though I Already Got Mine™.