Blizz, can we get some confirmation that the drop for the Collector’s Carryall is working as intended? Something sure doesn’t feel right. And I played through all the Greedy Emissary event and didn’t have this much difficulty getting the Horadric Haversack.
I’ve been trying for 2 days now on 1 character, every hour at first, and now every half hour and the bag just won’t drop. Similar to what others have stated, I too also have all items and ironically had zero issue getting the bag to drop for an alt. It seems the character that gets all the other items is locked out of getting the bag to drop.
Up here flexing like the lack of an item drop is a bug. All I’ve gotten is cards…
It is when you can easily acquire said item on other characters except the one that has gotten all the other items. That sounds exactly like a bug to me.
I’m having the same issue. I’ve had all of the other items since yesterday and have tried probably 15+ times today to get the final drop, the bag, with no luck. Got lots of grey cards.
The others were all fairly easy except Sarge, but I’ve gotten two of those now and have seen other players offering to give Sarges away after most fights so they might be in the same boat.
Edit: Just played the first time today and got a third Sarge, and someone else playing said they’ve gotten nine of them now.
Edit Edit: Just played the second time today and got another Sarge. : P
Edit Edit Edit: After the fourth fight of today I’ve acquired yet another Sarge.
Edit Edit Edit Edit: finally got it after collecting an entire Sarge army, and 40-50 kills.
You can’t have everything. Learn to live with loss. It’s part of life.
Ugh. Don’t be obtuse. This isn’t a philosophy or life lesson, it’s just a question of whether or not there is a bug affecting the character that initially acquired the majority of items. 
The bag doesn’t seem to benefit from any type of luck protection like most of the other drops.
I looted it first try on an alt rogue I barely play, then in the middle of my main’s other collecting of drops, and then I went the next three days of portals not looting a bag on any character despite finishing up every other collectible. Then, I had already basically written it off but did one more portal on my mage with a couple friends on Friday night. The bag dropped again, finally, and I traded it to a friend.
So, it can still drop once you have every other not-the-bag collectible. The rate just seems low. No telling whether this relates at all to anyone who might have stumbled on the un-collectible card bug (where you destroy or trade away a stolen card and could never loot it again until the hotfixes this past week).
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The carryall has got to be bugged. The first couple days, I was doing the event once per toon. I ended up with 7 alts with the bag. Since then, my DH and Paladin have killed these mobs 50+ times with no bag drop. I don’t see how this can be intended. Either the drop rate was nerfed to be insanely low, or the roll check isn’t working right.
The drop rate does seem a lot lower recently, either related to hotfixes or just due to finishing my collection. I am starting to think doing the event for the rest of the week would be a waste of my time even though I’d really like bags on the rest of my alts. I was able to get 24 bags during the Diablo event, but even when I didn’t loot a bag, I felt like the drop rate was consistently high enough to keep going. I looted 21 Sarges in the last two days, though.
This is my experience as well and why I mentioned the Greedy Emissary event in my post above. I too was able to loot the Horadric Haversack on nearly every character during the Diablo event. And even though I wasn’t looting it often, it was nowhere near as rare/difficult as looting the Collector’s Carryall for this Hearthstone Anniversary event, and at least felt high enough to make it worth the effort unlike with this event.
Like you, I have also looted a lot of Sarges – at least a few dozen since the event started.
Lack of obtaining an item is not a bug. There are hundreds of people who obtained the bag and there are hundreds who didnt.
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Repeatedly getting a drop you already have (Sarge) is a bug. Nothing else is duplicating why is this? Perhaps we are supposed to be getting the bag instead of the pet. It wasn’t an issue till the hotfix. I believe they need to check their code.
RNG, I get it. Right RNG…
THIS is not RNG:
24 - Sarges *Edit: 30 Sarges, I’m done
82 - Digested Cards
24 - Punchcards
20 - Bent cards.
0 - Bags
Something. Is. Wrong.
I got 3 bags in a row earlier today and thought they must have made the drop rate 100% for the last few days due to feedback. Was super excited thinking I’ll farm the rest of the event since I skipped the last couple days due to poor drop rates. Then proceeded to get grey items the next several kills and I logged off instead lol.
This happened to me as well. I got EIGHT bags in a ROW cycling alts. And then finally got the last item for the achieve and after that NO BAGS. I have done over 100 attempts on my main and all that drops is Sarge and Gray/Green trash cards.
This is not RNG this is broken code.
My thinking is they know its broken, but because it ends so soon they are not going to put in the time to fix it.
Feels like they’ve thrown their hands in the air on the whole thing.
Still broken.
Got the bags on several alts, after i finished the card achiev and finally got the mount, my main after at least 50 kills haven’t seen the bag drop.
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Just throwing in my .02, on my void elf hunter the bag is the only drop I am missing from the event. I killed the bosses probably a dozen times today and got Sarge and a few of the HS cards, but otherwise just vendorable stuff and no bag.
I don’t mind grinding out the bosses if I know there’s still a chance for the bag to drop but wanted to throw my voice into the pot and say no bag so far.
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Same. Was trying to get it on an alt (so glad now I got it last week on main) but I spammed the event today and did it every half hour for 12 hours (possibly more it was my day off lol) and got about 13 sarges and green cards and grey items. I know it’s still RNG, but it feels like it’s been turned off if you got one on a toon already.
After 30 Sarges on my Pally, I switched to my Monk last night. I’m up to 8 Sarges as of this morning.
It started happening just after the changes to every half hour, greys introduced and multiple Sarges dropping. The drop rate for my other alts was fine up to then.
For good or ill, I’d just like a response from the Devs on this. Given it’s limited time frame and it being a one-off event.