Collector TBC Netherwhelp pet

Are people that had TBC collectors back in the day getting the Netherwhelp pet? Not seeing it in my post box.

I still dont see mine from the innkeeper…

If you’re playing on a wow license that the key wasn’t claimed on they won’t give you the whelp even if it’s on the same email as your CE licensed acc. I reached out to support to see if they could transfer the old key to my current license and sadly they can’t for those who maybe in a similar boat. Def regret making a new account in WOTLK and it’s not fun not being able to use the guy without paying a second subscription. Thought I would share for information purposes though >>

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I got mine from the Stormwind inn quest giver in the trade district from TBC Classic login in the drop down window upon login

Thanks for the replies guys

There sucks I remember back in the day when you made a toon and post the pet to the post box of you made a toon and not got pet out the box in 30 days per was gone.

Well why not? That’s pretty stupid tbh. I have TBC CE on an older account and it gave me the pet on retail on my newer account. Why can’t I get the pet on TBC classic too?

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I think it’s incredibly disrespectful to previous CE owners that they wont let you use it on your new account. There is a full thread about this TBC Netherwhelp Collar not able to be claimed I would encourage you leave Feedback there as well so hopefully this is something that can get changed for everyone

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