[Collection] [Transmog] [Character costumisation]

As we all know transmog and customisation are the true end game, but I still feel that it is quite lacking, so here are some suggestions and comments about them.

First up: Transmog

Similar to shoulders, let us have the option to separately transmog gloves, and decide which glove we would like to hide.

Accessory helmet slot - Please let us wear a helmet and when appropriate to the helm, let us also use headwear like glasses, goggles, moon crests, mouth covers, bandanas and the list can go on.

Tabards - Please, please please PLEASE give us different shapes of tabards, sometimes the weird butt and crotch flap ruins certain sets.

HD versions of older tiers - Tier 6 has had an amazing HD version in Legion, I’d love th tier 1 to 5 get this as well over time.

Character costumisation:
There are some weird differences between the body type 1 and 2. Body type 2 has ear and nose rings, make-up, and necklaces. Most body type 1 races do not have this option, and I can’t think of a reason why this is not the case.

Tattoos - Some races have this, some do not, I’d like to have body and face tattoo’s for all the races, and every race and body type should have the same colour options for them.
You could even let us collect tattoos similar to the druid form collecting and the manuscripts.

Height - I think to some degree, we should be able to adjust the height of our character, it’s weird that all night elves are the same height, this is obviously not a request to make a gnome sized Night elf