[Collection] Scouting Map going into The War Within

During the announcement, there was talk about making flightpaths account wide, which is great! However, as someone who bought all of the scouting maps at the end of SL, that’s 100k of gold that’s not coming back (is what I’m guessing). I usually let these kinds of thing slip but this is an item added quite recently to the game (a bit over 2 years ago) so I’m wondering if it’s on Blizzard’s radar to refund those who purchased these.

Or are the account-wide flightpaths only made available for the War Within?

If no refunds, the least you could do is decrease the cost of these items significantly now so that players that don’t necessarily follow the WoW news doesn’t get the same feeling I currently have when the expansion launches.

The items I’m referring to:


The Scouting maps provide more than just the FPs though, as it also uncovers all of the map and gives you all the achievements. – They did state in the recent Q&A video that they didn’t want to have revealing the map also be account bound, just the FPs, as exploring the world is still a key thing for many players and it can be an indicator to players on where they have or haven’t been.

My guess, is that like reputations, the account-wide flightpaths will start with “The War Within” and then be retroactively provided to all previous content over time.

My wonder is, is why isn’t there a scouting map for Dragonflight yet?

Edit: I wouldn’t think they’d refund anything even if they completely deactivated and removed these toys (Which would suck, I actually use these toys on every alt I make). There has been many items over the course of many expansions where you’ll buy something just for it to be useless within the next expansion. *Current example: The “Dreambound Augment Rune” costs 100k and come 11.0 it will be useless at level 80.

I can see a price reduction though as the FPs and achievements will become account bound. Maybe make the maps for future players only cost 5k per?

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The difference is that this toy is being sold as an Heirloom toy, not a gold sink for raiders for the last raid tier (as the augment rune has been for several expansions). If this was simply a toy from a rep vendor, fine but now it’s being sold by the Heirloom vendor, as a BoA pickup (same as all other heirlooms). I don’t think it’s comparable to any “typical” expansion gold sink.

This is really no different to what happened to (for example) dual spec in the past. You paid for it and got value out of it, now they’re giving it to everybody in an even less restrictive form.

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