Cold Blood + Secret Technique macro not working?

Cold Blood does not seem to work when macroed with another ability (tried both ST and Eviscerate). It keeps saying Spell Not Learned. I’ve tried unselecting and reselecting Cold Blood in my talent tree but it doesn’t help. Cold Blood does work if you click it seperately, just not in the macro. Is this and intended change? Bug? Anyone else experiencing this?

I do have the “Cold Blood only works with Envenom” hero talent in one of my other specs, but that shouldn’t affect Deathstalker Sub should it?


I’m having the same problem except for other macros on different classes. “Spell not learnt” for my command demon macro on my warlock, and I had the exact same issue for my shield of the righteous macro on my prot pally

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Well they probably changed something , cause now Cold Blood just doesnt work with Evis in macros without saying the messege :smiley: , It does work with secret technique tho , but ive tried only macroing it with just secret technique maybe if I add more it will stop again. Also Sepsis with Shadow Blades on sometimes just gives 6/7 combo points which infuriates me so much cause im losing so much dmg on secret technique … idk why it does it. Once i use it just seperately and it works , but after i use it after my big CDs macro , sepsis starts giving jsut 6 combo points … am I missing something ?