Should be something PvP-exclusive players can use such as gold, bloody tokens, or pvp gear. Not a currency to be used in a PvE event.
You mean like Bloody Tokens?
Do they still always give bloody tokens anyway even if they don’t list it as a reward?
I don’t know. I don’t think so.
I get one warcrate a day if I’m lucky, and I was already capped on blood tokens for the week from dailies/the weekly.
There should also be decent honor rewards from a WPVP Quest. Instead of Keys, just reward like 1-1.5k honor… It would bring more players out into the open world to do those quests.
Gonna hard disagree. First how you increase WPvP participation is you have a reason to turn on warmode. WPvP participation is great when the open world is flourishing with activities like Gathering, Snuffling, Chest (old wax glob dirt piles) Questing and resources like Delves.
- I probably wouldn’t have Warmode on if the PvE activities weren’t good. The PvE activities is what brings WPvP to life. The PvE activities and incentive give the majority of the player base who are PvE players a reason to engange in some WPvP.
People like yourself always look at WPvP the wrong way instead of taking a birds eye view. WPvP isn’t supposed to be soley PvP. WPvP is just in addition too everything PvE. When I got Warmode on it’s because I want to (quest, mine, aka PvE) and also get into some PvP at the same time.
Yes! They should deffinately revamp the rewards for WPvP in WM! Reward PvP for (W)PvP, that’s how you’ll get all the people afk in the cities to actually go out and do content!
First reward that comes to mind would be those boxes you get when you win a BG. WPvP items that you normally have to buy from the vendors. Even just Honor would be a great reward to get people out there!