Can que the instance, but cannot join the dungeon. Met with “This requires War Within installed.”
Literally the only thing preventing starter accounts from completing the Feat of Strength.
UPDATE : this is fixed now
Can que the instance, but cannot join the dungeon. Met with “This requires War Within installed.”
Literally the only thing preventing starter accounts from completing the Feat of Strength.
UPDATE : this is fixed now
TWW content isn’t included in the free-to-play starter account, which is why you’re getting that error message. Working as intended. As you have 27900 achievement points, you should know that.
There’s no way this is intended, otherwise it wouldn’t let starter accounts/paid accounts without TWW queue at all, same way you cannot queue on random TWW dungeons and such. Pretty sure it’s a bug.
I agree it should allow you to queue, so no surprise because everything about the Codex quest seems super bugged now that it’s live, which is a shame.
Ahh, if its bugged inside it/the quest is buggy too, that makes more sense - hopefully they patch it soon
My point was, why is something anniversary related requiring the expansion, they made zero mention of anything requiring it in any of the news or blogposts.
Outside of extra tokens in the current content, that meta achievement should be doable without War Within. I am not the only one running into this problem.
Simplest fix would just be to remove Chromie Codex from the achievement. Especially given all the other problems I’ve seen mentioned with it. While its even less tokens for the event, at least we’d get the mount.
i just ran into this earlier, it’s my last achievement and says i need war within to complete the achievement, I really only came back to do the event because it was the 20th one.
Glad to see other people are talking about this I was just about to make my own post complaining that you got to the fairgrounds, and get the quest, and que for it, and then join the raid and take up a slot, and then the raid can’t start because half the people in the raid aren’t allowed to play it. it seems asinine
Same thing over here. After roughly half an hour I found a group and after everyone loaded in I wasn’t pulled into the instance. As it was pointed out, the message says “This requires War Within installed”.
Hopefully this can be looked at.
Can we please get a confirmation if this is a known issue/bug???
So queueing for a dungeon, finding a party, then being forced to abandon it because you don’t have an expansion is “working as intended?”
As you have 120 posts, you should be able to actually read what OP is saying before commenting.
I’m just replying to you to bump this because of it happening to me.
UPDATE : This has been corrected. I was able to successfully do the scenario now. Must of been an unmentioned hotfix.
Yes, I was able to teleport in to the scenario today also. It’s officially fixed!
Worked today! I was able to get weekly credit for an additional 3 Bronze Celebration Tokens!
I got creeper-stalked in game on my long-time forum toon that had 20k+ posts to the point I had to delete her. Didn’t care that I said I wasn’t interested because I’m happily married.
But hey… you’re absolutely right about it allowing you to queue, etc. Good thing it’s fixed, eh?