Code of conduct reporting

Yeah, I was gonna respond to her post, but eh… it’s clear she didn’t take the time to actually watch the video to get the context of the situation

Context is so so so important whenever something like this happens, can’t just assume someone is guilty - that’s not the way, regardless of what you might think about the accused person. Always get the details/context first, and go from there… not the other way around (“well if he got banned, he must be guilty”)


The issue I have, is not that Blizz or players disagree with my beliefs on what is abusive behavior, it’s that the system doesn’t provide options to address abusive behavior. Why does a social contract exist, with a agree/disagree prompt, if that behavior isn’t even monitored? If three collective members go dungeon to dungeon kicking players repeatedly during their leveling experience, I would imagine that the behavior in larger numbers would impact multiple people and Blizzard’s bottom dollar.

I’m just trying to make sense of why they paraded the new social contract, like it had some value, and then left players with no system that allows for them to address in game abuses.

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There are a lot of very soft people that play this game. It’s amazing that many of them function in any way, shape, form, or fashion. It would do many people good to grow a little thicker skin or maybe do some self introspection. It would also do many people good to not automagically assume ill intent on another’s part.

Not only will these small things probably make your time playing a game more enjoyable but may just make your miserable lives more enjoyable.

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Yes it would. The Kick system has a cooldown built in to help prevent that sort of behavior.

  • A group of three who come in together will require a 4th outsider to get the Kick to pass vote. That is a special modification to help prevent groups from engaging in that sort of behavior.
  • If a person keeps kicking, they will get a cooldown on the kick feature. Eventually they can’t kick for a period of time until it comes off cooldown again.
  • I THINK if someone keeps getting kicked, there is a kick protection that can activate preventing a kick for a period of time. Again, this is to help new folks and levelers. I have not checked on this one in a while though so don’t know if it is still in game or what it takes to trigger it.

Kick is not a perfect system and it feels bad to get removed, but groups should have the ability to control who they have to play with. Blizz is not going to make us play with someone who is disruptive or trolling the group. They let us have control vs waiting forever for a GM.

If Kick needs changing again, Blizz will refine the system further.

Can you prove this statement, or is it to be taken as a faith-based assessment?