COD Cold War

Why isn’t this game popping? I thought it was great I got to level 50 in 2 days during the beta. I don’t know if I will buy it even though I really want to as I don’t think any of my friends will because of how unpopular it seems to be. IGN gave it 7/10 which is mind boggling to me as I feel like it’s better than MW in almost every way. What gives?


I played it, I think it’s pretty good. Compared to the last few COD games (the last one I played seriously was BO3), I think it’s a great improvement.

I don’t know how much I’ll actually play it, but it’s a step back in the right direction.

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A 7/10 is still a good score.

Haven’t paid much attention to CoD for a while. What about this one do you like?

I’m surprised though since MW got an 8.2 and I feel like this one is better.

Mostly I feel like the controls are smoother and the game looks better.