Coca Cola Gives Blizzard a History Lesson

Well they could always go back to having !@#$%^- in the damn drink have a bunch of literal crackheads running everywhere.
Well they could always go back to having Coke in the damn drink have a bunch of literal crackheads running everywhere.
this gets an upvote
11/02/2018 07:14 PMPosted by Johnnyderp
11/02/2018 07:02 PMPosted by Clasicislife
And video games are a waste of time. Both are beside the point.
There are studies that suggest that gaming can develop some aspects of crucial skills. At the bare minimum, it enhances typing skills. It also exposes people to art and culture.

Coca Cola is one of the biggest reasons we became an obese nation. Imagine what would happen if not only your food became extra rich, but your liquids were too.

Yes, gaming can have the same effect, but it can also have the opposite effect. How many extra skinny gamers are there out there? I'll start you out with basically all of Asia.
My comment about video games being a waste of time was clearly punctuated with a redirection of the discussion back to the topic. Your information is all very interesting, but not for this thread. If you want to go on about the virtues of video gaming and the evils of sugary soda, please start your own thread.

#NoSharding #PureVanillaNotSomeCheapImitation
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11/02/2018 07:21 PMPosted by Clasicislife
Your information is all very interesting, but not for this thread.
If it's off-topic, you're the one who took it there. You can't lead a horse to water and then get mad when he drinks.

You're not allowed to respond to this post. See if you can complete my challenge.
Don't care if this gets me in trouble for saying so but I will be playing on pservers if they botch this.
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Lets wait it out folks, its a sped up version so we can experience as much as possible in 60 minute intervals over a week.
11/02/2018 07:23 PMPosted by Johnnyderp
11/02/2018 07:21 PMPosted by Clasicislife
Your information is all very interesting, but not for this thread.
If it's off-topic, you're the one who took it there. You can't lead a horse to water and then get mad when he drinks.

You're not allowed to respond to this post. See if you can complete my challenge.
Meh. Nice try. Please post on the topic as set forth in the OP: WoW should restore Vanilla like the Coca Cola Company restore Coca Cola.
This is amazing, the time to speak is now! Give them the feedback they need!
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11/02/2018 06:41 PMPosted by Clasicislife
When I was in my early teens, a very large company name Coca Cola did something that they thought would help their slumping sales and market share. They changed the recipe for their flagship product. What had once simply been "Coca Cola" was now "New Coke."

Now, Coca Cola didn't just add a new product to their line. They replaced the original product entirely—the one that had made them a dominant cola company in the market.

The result? Their loyal Coke drinkers were extremely upset. As in, extremely.

But, the higher-ups at Coca Cola were a smart bunch of people. Rather than refuse to acknowledge the hole they'd just blown in their ship on their way to the bottom, they fixed the hole and righted the ship. It took them 78 days to commit to a full and complete restoration of their original product. And they made good on it. They re-released their flagship product with its original recipe. In a monumental twist of irony here, they renamed the original "Classic" Coke.

Sales went up. What had been a languishing market share rebounded incredibly. And Coca Cola has never looked back.

Imagine what would have happened had they promised to restore the original recipe, but still tossed in a couple of the newer ingredients. Imagine how their market would have responded to such misrepresentation.

Well, fortunately for Coca Cola and Coke lovers, they embraced the feedback of their loyal customers, which surely took some humility, and they went back to the original product. Not a slightly modified version of the original. The EXACT original. After a time, even the "Classic" title was removed from the product, and the "new" Coke product was retired permanently. Coca Cola was back, and everyone was happy.

It's important to note that it was the recipe that made the product. Not the can and not the label and not even the title. Changes in the makeup of the aluminum in the can would have been acceptable to customers, because those weren't the product. Changes in the branding on the can would have been acceptable as well. They were not the product. The product was what was inside. It was the recipe. And customers were damn loyal to it. And passionately, even fanatically so. And the Coca Cola company rewarded that passion with the product they loved—and stood up for.

Please apply this history lesson to your World of Warcraft product. You had a great game. You changed it and gave us something "new." But we don't like your new game. We want the original back. And we let you know we did. And you promised that you'd restore it.

Don't now go and give us a modified recipe. We don't care if you change the logo on the can, or the makeup of the aluminum, or even add "Classic" to the title. Just like with Coca Cola fans, these aren't changes to the product. But if you keep a few of the ingredients that you've tossed into your "new" product, you are not giving us the original product. And, just like the Coca Cola fans of the 80s, we will reject it. With fervor.

Be like Coca Cola. Embrace the feedback of your customers. Restore the original WoW. Wholly and entirely. Without regret and without contempt. Don't pollute it with bits and pieces of the version we rejected.

Just give us Vanilla. You promised. Please deliver.

Best thread I've read all day. Nicely said man.
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11/02/2018 07:27 PMPosted by Clasicislife
Meh. Nice try. Please post on the topic as set forth in the OP: WoW should restore Vanilla like the Coca Cola Company restore Coca Cola.
Bam. You have proved my point. I'm not hijacking your thread if you're the one who changed the topic.

All I'm saying is #hanshotfirst is a better analogy. It's more brief and it's nerdy.
I would like this post more if it wasn’t a straight rip-off of the intro to Skill-Up’s Destiny 2: Forsaken review.

Maybe get your own content next time, good try pal.
11/02/2018 06:41 PMPosted by Clasicislife
When I was in my early teens, a very large company name Coca Cola did something that they thought would help their slumping sales and market share. They changed the recipe for their flagship product. What had once simply been "Coca Cola" was now "New Coke."

Now, Coca Cola didn't just add a new product to their line. They replaced the original product entirely—the one that had made them a dominant cola company in the market.

The result? Their loyal Coke drinkers were extremely upset. As in, extremely.

But, the higher-ups at Coca Cola were a smart bunch of people. Rather than refuse to acknowledge the hole they'd just blown in their ship on their way to the bottom, they fixed the hole and righted the ship. It took them 78 days to commit to a full and complete restoration of their original product. And they made good on it. They re-released their flagship product with its original recipe. In a monumental twist of irony here, they renamed the original "Classic" Coke.

Sales went up. What had been a languishing market share rebounded incredibly. And Coca Cola has never looked back.

Imagine what would have happened had they promised to restore the original recipe, but still tossed in a couple of the newer ingredients. Imagine how their market would have responded to such misrepresentation.

Well, fortunately for Coca Cola and Coke lovers, they embraced the feedback of their loyal customers, which surely took some humility, and they went back to the original product. Not a slightly modified version of the original. The EXACT original. After a time, even the "Classic" title was removed from the product, and the "new" Coke product was retired permanently. Coca Cola was back, and everyone was happy.

It's important to note that it was the recipe that made the product. Not the can and not the label and not even the title. Changes in the makeup of the aluminum in the can would have been acceptable to customers, because those weren't the product. Changes in the branding on the can would have been acceptable as well. They were not the product. The product was what was inside. It was the recipe. And customers were damn loyal to it. And passionately, even fanatically so. And the Coca Cola company rewarded that passion with the product they loved—and stood up for.

Please apply this history lesson to your World of Warcraft product. You had a great game. You changed it and gave us something "new." But we don't like your new game. We want the original back. And we let you know we did. And you promised that you'd restore it.

Don't now go and give us a modified recipe. We don't care if you change the logo on the can, or the makeup of the aluminum, or even add "Classic" to the title. Just like with Coca Cola fans, these aren't changes to the product. But if you keep a few of the ingredients that you've tossed into your "new" product, you are not giving us the original product. And, just like the Coca Cola fans of the 80s, we will reject it. With fervor.

Be like Coca Cola. Embrace the feedback of your customers. Restore the original WoW. Wholly and entirely. Without regret and without contempt. Don't pollute it with bits and pieces of the version we rejected.

Just give us Vanilla. You promised. Please deliver.

This is one of the best threads in these forums.
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Well said. If only Blizz listened to their community.
11/02/2018 06:50 PMPosted by Clasicislife
11/02/2018 06:44 PMPosted by Lokubi
All this over a very rushed and unfinished demo? They're obviously no where near release ready.
Blizzard ALREADY said that they're altering the recipe. This isn't speculation. It's the plan.

The time for passion is now. BEFORE they screw it up entirely. If you don't care that Classic is Vanilla, then you needn't be involved in the discussion. You'll get what you get and be happy with it. Nothing wrong with that. But the writing is on the wall, and it doesn't read "V A N I L L A." I reads " V Y N I L L A." And if we say nothing, then soon it will read "B Y N I F L Y." And everyone will have wasted their time.


Welcome back and enjoy the world of warcraft as it was in the beginning...

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With the new phasing technology that make you the only person in the map,FLY OVER LIKE THE CHOSEN ONE!

Fight counteless monsters who can give you a random piece of equipament...
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Soon for your iOS and Android Phones!
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Great story!

Don't forget about Final Fantasy 14 having a similar story of mistakes, humility, and ultimately redemption.
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Things like sharding and huge amounts of debuff slots will dig "Classic" into a grave faster than they can say "You think you do but you don't." Blizzard if you're reading these.. Please give us the true vanilla WoW. #nochanges
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Legendary post OP
11/02/2018 10:08 PMPosted by Acronym
Legendary post OP

I really hope Blizzard does good for WoW: Classic.

But I feel like they're off to a terrible start, even if it's for a rushed demo.

If I were any good at making a meme, I'd post the one I have in my mind.....

Guy goes in to barber shop/salon for a hair cut. He has a full head of hair and other than he just wants it trimmed or cut shorter, he's otherwise comfortable with how it is before anyone does anything to it. This is "vanilla WoW".

Barber/hair dresser cuts it ALL off! Completely leaves the man's head bald. This is "any version of WoW post-WOTLK".

Barber/hair dresser says "Oops", and puts a wig on the customer's head, with a very deep scowl on the customer's face. This is how I feel WoW: Classic is turning out so far.....