Cobra Shot is the dumbest ability in the game

Is that a genetically modified cobra?

how about some inscription glyphs that let you change the snakes to other animals.
bunnies, tarantulas, barrens giraffes ?

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If you like Cobra’s but got none then ya can Cobra shot. Everytime I fire it, I hiss like a Cobra.

yes and that bothers me too.

Ah I’m thinking of chimera shot

I think

I do that every time somebody disagrees with me

I have no friends

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Seems like an odd thing to whine about but ok.

Can mine shoot gummy bears?


You know what is even more cringe? Using the term “cringe”.

I want my gun to fire slightly smaller gnomes wielding ray guns and shouting “pew pew pew pew”.

Glyphs could help with this.
Glyph of
 Solid Snake - turns snakes into poison arrows

Glyph of ______ Turns arrows into _____ (tarantulas or cows or something)

I personally want the “Dobie-o-Matic” to shoot my wolf at things.

Should be a vulpera.

There is no way to meaningfully contribute to your topic. You don’t like Cobra Shot’s aesthetic. Thanks for sharing.

I want to fire guns with my bow

Using a gun over a bow is as cringe as it gets. With Tmogs being a thing there is no excuse

I don’t really get how shooting snakes is cringe. What makes it cringe?

I don’t mind any of the animations for my abilities but it would be nice if we could get some customization options through glyphs or something. I don’t think that every class should be exactly the same in flair, flourish, or style. Let us be more unique (but still the same).

Or a gun that fires smaller guns.

Call it ‘texas special’
Dont mess with it


I disagree. There are dumber abilities.

wish i could like this post a million times
that wiggle noodle coming out of gun iS STUPID

/cast cobra shot on the necro Lord.