Cobra Shot is the dumbest ability in the game

It looks stupid. It makes no sense. The sound effect is annoying. There is literally nothing redeemable about this ability. Can Beastmastery PLEASE get a different filler spell? Shooting a snake out of my gun is extremely cringe.


Isn’t that an optional ability in the talents?

No. It’s mandatory at the start of the tree.

Agreed, shooting snakes out of my gun is dumb. It should be an elephant.


Can’t express how much I’m starting to hate that word lol


Thanks for your wonderful addition to the topic.

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using cringe is cringe.


Very useful.

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glad I could help guide you to a better vocabulary!

You leave my snakes alone.


I’d like to shoot tarantulas. :spider:


to be fair this topic wasn’t useful either. It was you having an opinion and other people had an opinion on something else.

If anything it was off topic… But that’s life

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Sharing information about something I don’t enjoy in the game that could benefit from a redesign is part of what the forums are for. Whining about “cringe” isn’t.


Cobra shot is ok …Bestial wrath is the one that annoys me. I hate effects that make my character change to a color or a glow though. It’s why i refuse to play a void elf for more than a few hours lol. It just ruins the immersion for me.

And it’s a public forum where other people can respond. Your suggestion on the game and their suggestion on your word choice are as equally valid.

Hmmm touche.

Wouldn’t this topic be better served by being posted in the…

hunter forums?

Just saying… it sounds like a hunter issue so… why not just bring it up for other hunters to discuss.

I mean we post a lot of stuff in general chat because it’s general. It’s fine here

It may gain more traction there but eh

I’ll see your tarantulas and raise you tarantula hawks.

This guy complaining about spells in a game that have even weirder names than cobra shot

Make a new thread about how you hate dragon riding or something, you’ll get better bites