Cobalt Assembly Nerf

The tank ring is still significantly better than anything else you can get until a good raid one which…doesn’t like to drop and everyone and their mother wants.

Sounds about right, sadly the exp farm got taken away so people will complain. Put it back in and people complain. In the end people especially “gamers” enjoy complaining about anything and everything without looking at the larger picture of things.

There seems to be a new xp farm that is not Cobalt. I suppose it could be scammers in trade, but there are many so I assume there is a new spot. Anyone got any idea where that is?

You can do some info gathering and pretend you’re looking for a group. Than use that info to make your own group.

The mobs don’t cap out if there’s a world quest or a storm happening there at the time. Otherwise, they do.

Not looking to make a group just curious. Probably just another level 70 area, but without the bonus you get from the power orbs that drop at cobalt. Much slower I’m sure

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I enjoy the Cobalt Assembly and most of the time I spent there, I was level 70, at max rep, and not being paid to boost anyone

Ot all comes down to ppl just finding a way how to abuse stuff.

Whole cobalt zone is just a market for boosting mafias and making golds…Im glad they nerfed it to oblivion. But ppl will find another way.

Here at Blizzard we want you to suffer, fun is not the objective…

Personally I like how Guild Wars 2 has done it level once to 80 boom done…

You earn level tomes that can be applied to alts later…

Want to just pvp ? BOOM max level toon for PVP …

Want to do World vs World ? Boom… Max level toon for WVW content…

Fun, Easy, smooth, not a lot of headache…

I dont understand the current ideology of blizzards always having to grind crap out… Sure many things can be added to a grind… but it shouldnt be every little thing… no wonder numbers have stayed low…
whats the average player base now in their 30s lollll
bros be married, kids, job or two.
just let us hit our faces on the keyboard get our dopamine fix and move on xD

I mean alot of ppl would pay for a level 70 boost instead of the leveling once they already have a max toon. They should have a one per account level 70 boost after you hit max level on a toon.

yup cobalt assembly was great bc i’ve played this game for 18 years done every quest in every zone millions of times and i just don’t care about questing anymore and scaling in the dgns doesn’t make them any better to do or fun it’s just mindnumbing esp with the heirloom nerf. Cobalt was sick bc i could get max level fast and do what I want to do.