[ CoA Interviews! ] Entry no. 1

In the calm seats of the “Hero’s welcome” bar Seiiko met Colonel Septimus Sullus for the first interview that will be part of the “Names of the Coalition” register. Through a nice cup of tea and a delicious cupcake, the conversation started.

Asked about the history of the Coalition, the Colonel explained that “the Coalition came to be after the fall of the kingdom of Southguard which was formed by the members of the House of Nobles.” With the fall, the would-be king Sixon exiled those members, who decided to gather and form the Coalition to serve the Alliance as they have always done, in an independent way, unlike being simple soldiers in the regular Alliance Army. Therefore, the Coalition of Azeroth is not bound to serve at the expense of the tax payer, mostly. About the Coalition resources, the Colonel replied “mostly gain its resources by keeping the spoils of war, offering services, and now through the organization I represent called C.O.R.E (Collect - Observe - Research - Explore), which is a subgroup of the Explorer’s League, thus the Coalition of Azeroth is being retained as the military arm of the League ”. After that introduction, the Colonel take some time to eat a generous portion of Crispy Bacon, thankfully he remembers to share a piece with the interviewer and they start talking about the most successful missions of the Coalition of Azeroth.

One of the highlights of the guild is the successful expedition to “World 002”. This story started when a mecha-gnome called Magnaspool was found seeking for help by the C.O.R.E and worked together with the Coalition members and its Collegiate: the objective was to build a world tunneler back to his planet, that is suffering through wicked harvest of gnomes brains! The planet is governed by a machine that had it’s brain corrupted and is now harvesting everyone’s brains with a sick appetite. Still to this day the forces of the Coalition are required to defend the mecha-gnomes and counter attack the crazy machines, but reaching another planet is sure a great achievement already! The Colonel shows a lot of interest on world exploration, as he states “it would give the Alliance and the Coalition allies and resources from a whole world not touched by the Horde, giving us an edge here. Plus all the new plants, animals, machines and ores, the benefits cannot be completely measured.” and he continues “If we can open a tunnel to other worlds, we can potentially grow the size of the Alliance indefinitely on other worlds. Our mission is vital to the increasing knowledge, power and treasure of the Alliance”. They both eat a delicious cupcake after a cold milk toast.

The next question is about how the Coalition organize its forces to follow up so much activity, and the Colonel starts by explaining one of the most intriguing points to the outsiders “There are some forms of force the Alliance is not very encouraging of, for example, Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Warlocks and Shadow Priests are tolerated at the best and never seen as an attachment to the Alliance regular armies. This is where we come in.” Then he proceeds presenting each of the Coalition forces, that are separated by specialty. “The Eternal Dawn is very light and justice based. We use them to protect the weak, heal the sick and bring justice to the wicked. The Vanguard are warriors who specialize in technology, they usually have weapons a vehicles of technological design and use the latest tech to deliver heavy armor and transport to the field of combat. The Collegiate is our Research and Development department, they usually will study anything that won’t leave them tainted so most magics and machines, they are secular and very intellectually driven. The Unseen Society works with the seedy parts of society to work in the realms of espionage, assassination, bribery, privateering and means of gaining advantage through stealth or influence. The Obsidian Order is where are the members of the Coalition so ambitious to make use of Fel, Shadow, or undeath to achieve their goals. They are loyal to the Alliance but are largely devoid to compassion and mercy. Lawful but merciless. Many of the members bare one curse or another”. With that said, it was very hard for the interviewer to eat the chocolate cookies placed in front of her. Memories of a certain Order meeting still gave her nauseas.

The Colonel seems eager to continue so she takes a deep breath and continue with the last questions, on how are the forces leadership. “Our only requirements are that applicants be sane, loyal to the king, and have experience or power that makes them of use to our elite company. Each organization have their own leaders and each of those leaders answers to me.” Asked about the difficult of managing so many different interests, he answers “I do not micromanage. I give orders and the organization leaders are responsible to make it happen. Those five people are in charge of theirs officers who are in charge of the troops of their respective organizations. When they do have a clash of interests, i bring the might of other forces to bare setting the wayward one back into a correct state”.
They finish the talk speaking about discipline, a quality they both admire and are very fond of “discipline is essential or I won’t be able to trust task being completed in my absence” the interviewer agrees sadly while she remembers that her own boss was absent for the awful reason of being kidnapped! She is awaken by a delicious bacon smell, the Colonel ordered a new pile of crispy bacon and he raises a mug to toast in conclusion of the interview “if the gold is good and it is under the protection of the Alliance we will even rescue cats from trees!” they toast in agreement and share another nice meal.
