Co-lead steps down. D4 and OW2 delayed to 2023. I bet Blizzard shuts doors 2024

Seems she was just installed into the position for optics anyway. I can’t say I blame her.

That’s the thing. The fears and prejudices of the “woke” crowd never appears as hypocritical because they have a determined vision of people they despise, fear, and discriminate.

In other words, they’re allowed to engage in hatred, bigotry, and discrimination because they have deemed themselves of a higher moral value than others.

You cannot engage with this kind of vision through reason. You need to establish a moral vision comparable to it.

This is why people like Ion can discriminate against white males despite being one himself. He implicitly sees himself as being a cut above simply for adhering to a greater moral vision.


Am I the only one who completely forgot what this thread was even about? :sunglasses:


How is morality not subjective? It is a person’s view on what is right and wrong. A group of people can have similar morality. Then one would say that group is the subject.

You can say that group morality is a “moral framework” and then there are objective deviations from that. But the root morality is subjective.

After it’s sucessful Q3 financial reports, I sincerely doubt Blizzard is “shutting the doors” anytime soon.

Also, the delays are more than likely due to covid related issues… which have been pretty popular during this pandemic era for the gaming industry as whole.

Denial, it’s not just a river in Egypt.


something about the nature of man and its ramifications on modern logos wrapped within its own hypocrisy

Because authority may only be imposed by some moral basis. If morality becomes subjective, then everyone becomes suspicious of authority, eventually eschewing it. At that point, all you have left are coercion, domination, violence, and unaccountable methods and systems of manipulation.

To maintain any sense of stability, one must recognize a transcendent order with which the will and actions of humanity ought to be aligned.



I dont rate a species which willfully ruin’s its environment very highly. :wink:

100% there.

The person you’re quoting is likely of the ilk who believes destruction of the environment is a myth anyway.

“Wokeness” in the sense that it’s being discussed here (in a juvenile sense) is definitely not completely isolated to the west. This would be a viewpoint only held out of ignorance or lack of any exposure to the societies outside of the western one you seem to despise for anything outside of the products I’m sure you endlessly consume.

Generalization?! Thats not very ppc.

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Who says? Have you ever heard of charisma? Have ever heard of Hitler? Was he morally upright to you?

First of all, every single person should be suspicious of authority as a rule. That isn’t a bad thing at all.


No. We musn’t. Accept that you’re a meandering meat pile of neurons and flesh and get over it.

If so, then please quantify for me the level of comparisons you are able to make that demonstrate your observation of western “wokeness” to be valuable or meaningful.

Purity tests?!?

Oh my…


The lvl 30 forum troll lacks depth.

Color me surprised…

To me? Am I the arbiter of morality?

Why? Because you say so? And if I disagree with you and oppose you on that, what are you going to do about it?

I refuse to comply with your sentiments.

Now what?

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Please explain why one person can think something is good and another can think that same thing is bad. Please explain political divisiveness. Please explain differences in how controversial laws work between different countries.

Promoting independent thinking is a good thing.



The united human race in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar. There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other, and scattered them around the world.

According to whom?



Biblical scripture has approximately zero place in any evidence-based discussion, my dude.