Cmon already.. give us a path to getting the Mage Tower Bear skin or a version of it

Did you earn the Druid skins in Legion? Just curious.

The answer is no, the answer will always be no. Play the game if you want to earn current exclusive rewards.


I got quite a few of the mage tower appearances (including the bear) and it was just because it was exclusive. In fact, that pretty well became the game for me there toward the end of Legion. That said, there are still appearances I missed out on that I’d love to have and don’t. I like that they’re gone forever, even though I hate that they’re gone forever. Thus is life.


I tried, but was not successful. Mostly the bear form as it was the one I wanted the most. I had bad luck with the knock backs constantly knocking me off the island and ending the session. It also didn’t help that there was an iLevel component which was hard for a non-Raider to achieve.

Add on a serious altoholic problem wanting to complete all the classes’ order halls, and I just didn’t have the time to get in to the Mage Tower with good enough gear to manage it with any Artifact.

Keep in mind, I have no desire to reduce its difficulty, I just am not happy with how exclusive it is for no other reason than to keep it exclusive.

I agree with most here saying that the form should be exclusive to those that completed the Mage Tower challenge but it would be cool if we did see a new unlockable form maybe through Torghast or something

By the end of legion you could complete it in essentially greens because they made it trivial. If you didn’t complete it, it’s solely on you.


Incorrect. I went back from time to time, and the results were almost always the same. Rate of defeat remained unchanged. Survivability didn’t change that much. Admittedly, Knockouts were one of my biggest problems as they would sneak up on me and literally knock me out of the park.

They sneak up on you as part of the mechanic. You can get unlucky once, maybe twice, but you do not get unlucky 10 times in a row.


The only way knock backs could have sneaked up on you is if you had your eyes closed.
I got knocked off the platform a fair amount of times, but I’d say once I learned the mechanics, most of the time that happened was because I was careless for a second.

And no, the werebear is and should always be exclusive. It was announced as a time-sensitive reward and the mage tower was up for an entire year. If someone missed it, then they probably didn’t want it so badly to begin with.


There is a lot going on and a lot to focus on. I can’t even remember what caused the Knockback, as it wasn’t part of any guide I checked out at the time, and there were usually several things around me that could have knocked me out, and bad timing and positioning (along with the ridiculous distance) made the knock outs rather easy.

And it wasn’t all my failures, but I can guarantee you that when knockout didn’t stop me, I wasn’t wearing green gear.

It was actually very trivial at the end of the expansion in normal/heroic ilvl bracket gear at the end of Legion. It was designed to be done in Nighthold gear and 2 raids later, it was an absolute joke. If you seriously were unable to complete it at the end of the expansion because you’re an ‘altoholic’ then why should the challenge be reopened for you? You had a choice to focus on what you really wanted and you chose not to do so.

Don’t advocate for something to be brought back because you want to list a number of excuses as to why you never got them. :confused:

I even did the Resto Druid one and I have never played a healer. I just did it enough times and with enough gear, I was able to complete it after learning the fight.


I so want my challenger weapon set from season two of challenge modes. I got
The armor on my Druid but never got the weapons.

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There was only 1 mechanic that knocked you back, it was the infernals that had a small frontal-like area. But you’re right that sometimes it was hard to see.

I have reasons for my altoholism, and part of it is burn out. I have to spend time away from a character if I put too much time in to it, and even away from the game at times.

But I can advocate for something to return whether I succeeded or not. Don’t be so elitist. If they can bring back Naxrammas, they can bring back the Mage Tower. It’s not like I’m just stating this as an exclusive for one or two Specializations, but opening it up for everyone to try. I’m not even asking for it to be given away, but to just have the ability to try.

Yeah I don’t understand people using that excuse either… I had EVERY class max level at the end of legion, I’m just a casual, my gear was not optimized for the content, and I haven’t tanked since TBC. I was able to finish all character weapon models on all specs except the warrior tanking weapon due to not finding it appealing enough.

Now I’m not trying to sound smug, or elitist or anything, but seriously if i could do it with under geared (CASUAL) toons, anyone could have done it with enough time and effort.

Plus for the druid tanking one there was a macro, if used, made the encounter SUPER easy.

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I’m all for them bringing back mage tower, just not bringing back the same skins. I think mage tower was an excellent idea and earning unique skins was fun. It was frustrating as hell (Healer challenges for me especially) but man was it fun.

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The exclusivity of that skin was the point of it. That being said, it’s fair to ask Blizzard for new versions of ‘Mage Tower’ quests that reward unique forms. Every new expansion should offer something like that (for a limited time) since most druid spec transmogs are limited compared to every other class.


This right here. This is also what I’ve heard - that the skins were easy to get. So basically this isn’t a reward for being a skilled player, it’s just a reward for playing the game “at this time”. Considering that Druids already have extremely limited transmog options (non-resto Druids and non-glyph of stars Balance Druids) this is a tough pill to swallow for someone that has played Druid off and on since Cataclysm.

I can understand rewardng customer loyalty, but this seems to have been done in bad taste.

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I’m not being elitist. You’re wanting something to come back because you didn’t earn it. It takes away from those of us that took the time to earn them when they were current, with the knowledge that they were being removed from the game.

Two raid content patches released after the Mage Tower opened up. People who were skilled at the class did the challenges with ease regardless of ilvl. :woman_shrugging: And people who were not good at their class still failed the challenge.

Players were given a very generous notice that the Mage Tower and Artifact skin rewards were being removed very far in advance. Anyone who was subscribed to the game that did not earn the skins they wanted have no one to blame other than themselves.


I would go along with different skins or colors being brought in for a mage tower-like experience.

The mage tower skins were limited to that time frame, and shouldn’t be brought back just because some people missed it.
I personally did not get the werebear, and I wish I had.

But yes, different colors of the various forms I would like to see come back.
And the themes coming up in the shadowlands open several possibilities for various thematic forms and colorations between the covenants.


Actually you are. You are saying that because you earned it, it’s no longer needed. You are saying that because you were there at the right time, no one else needs to be worried about it. That is part of being elitist. At least that is how you are coming across by assuming my reasons.

Honestly, I’d be saying the same thing even if I had unlocked every transmog. If you notice, I didn’t even bring up the fact that I had not earned it till later, nor was I trying to be restrictive about it or even making it a literal cakewalk by asking it to be kept at Legion levels.

And the “knowledge” that they would be removed from the game came later, part way through Argus content, not with the opening of the Isles. I started making the effort when I found out it was being removed, and when I could actually play the character in question, that is.