CM Sets not acc wide

Something that might not matter much to many people but has been bothering me since WoD. I just decided to see how warbands would affect the CM achieves and noticed that both MoP and WoD teleports are now account wide, cool. The mount and title are account wide. The weapons from WoD are account wide. Why are the sets the only thing that are not account wide. If you achieved gold on 1 character, you should be able to get the sets on your alts, just like the WoD weapons, since if you got the weapons on a character but couldnt use some of the weapons why should you be able to use those other weapons, if not for alts. Why are the WoD weapons acc wide but armors not? I dont even wanna get into bringing them back for other people. Its so frustrating that everything around the CM gold of WoD/MoP are account wide except for the mounts, it should either be all or none. Why should any of my chars be able to teleport to the dungeons if they never achieved the gold? It doesnt make sense. I know it wont change so this is more of a vent, but its just very frustrating with warbands a thing.

I am okay with the MoP challenge modes sets not being ‘account-wide’ according to your definition. I only got it on one character and others went to the bother of getting them on several characters. I can see no reason why I should be entitled to have all the sets for doing less ‘work’ than others.

I mean I had to do the Mage Tower challenge on each of my tanks, not just once to unlock it for all of them. Basically, all classes play differently and just because I got all gold CM on my Enhancement Shaman during MoP doesn’t mean any other character should benefit from that. So, I understand why they did it. It really isn’t an issue.

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While it is current content sure that 5 exp ago gate keeping is bad for the game and ideas like this turn people off of the game. when they start. no item no matter how rare should be locked to one exp or one charter. at the very least the following exp it should be account wide with some way to obtain it.

If the MoP CM sets are not account wide in the beta that’s got to be a bug. If that was the case then most of my DKs would need a new transmog. I’ve been using the MoP CM set on all of my DKs for many years. I did not do CMs on this lvl 31 alt.

This is the toon I did MoP CMs on, not the alt above.

The MoP CM sets have always been class restricted, so my warrior can’t use them (I am fine with that). They’ve also been account wide for alts of the same class for many years. I recently used the same MoP CM xmog on the new DK alt I created for Remix.

I think I misunderstood the OP at first because it’s not entirely clear, but now that I reread it, it sounds like he’s asking for all the different class armor sets to be unlocked if he completed the challenge modes on one particular class back in MoP. I don’t support this, but it might be what he meant, since the WoD challenge mode weapons were all unlocked, even if you couldn’t use a particular weapon on whoever you did the challenge modes with (I did WoD challenge modes with a shaman, but still have the gun transmog unlocked account wide, for example)

Taking another look at it, I see the same thing now (and had the same misunderstanding). I don’t agree with making the CM sets available to other classes either. These particular sets were always intended to be class specific and the recolors that have been introduced are class specific as well (Legion class hall sets).

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At this point, I don’t really disagree with you, but I think the reason is that it was perhaps in Blizzard’s view a very different experience (not trying to say it was harder/easier for any one over any other) to get it done on each unique class, so I assume the idea is that they’re commemorating having completing the gold medal runs for that particular class, showing pinnacle play as a warrior, which you did not do as a shaman, for example.

I have my sets for warrior, death knight, and paladin, because I only play plate classes, but I think some of the other sets look incredibly cool (and to this day, the MoP CM sets remain the sole armors in the game that react to button presses, so far as I am aware), but I did not do 8/8 golds on any of those classes.

I think it’s been long enough, to be honest, and I agree with respect to the WoD weapons - it’s not like you had to do all golds on one class for each weapon, you just unlocked them all.

Mage Tower I think served to cement the individual component though - not only were the unlocks individual at the class level, they were so at the spec level as well, so I imagine that blizzard will not change this stance.

Again though, I agree with you. Personally, having done it thrice playing all three major roles (tank, dps, heal) I do not think it was any harder or easier - it was just a speed run and back then we did not have the “enemy forces” requirement M+ has now, so most of it was just optimizing when to run/invis/die+group rez/etc.