Club for people that used Creation Catalyst on non-tier gear

If my guild is any guide, very few people actually use these forums. Just getting them to notice the MotD is a small victory. That the information on how the system works is everywhere but in the game is at the very least, error prone. In a situation like this, telling people on the forums they shouldn’t be upset is about as productive as telling your significant other the same thing.

On another note, where can you see how many charges you have?

Actually, the official source posted in wowhead came from Blizzard, word-for-word. We knew exactly how it would work:


You did a mistake, that’s it. Stop asking Blizzard to hold your hand like a little child when it’s as clear as day what you upgrade and what you get.


There should be a note for new players that warns them. As you can see, it’s an issue and needs more visibility.

As I said above, it’s a system they designed as a booby trap for low information players. And systems like that are also intended to make players who didn’t get caught in that trap feel smugly superior. So clearly it’s working as intended.


Well… Would argue that doing this mistake in particular is pretty dumb lmao.


Now you are disguising your intentions and pretending to be a victim.

It is in the game. The Catalyst shows you exactly what you’re getting. The in game loot table shows you exactly what you’re getting.

No. You’re trying to turn me into a villain. I’m giving information. Back off.


Yeah you said that. Doesn’t make it true. It shows you what item you will get. How is that not clear enough?


You are so selfish that you cant even handle your speech.

It should be a separate system for transmog. When you click a button “transmog now” it should give you the option of which appearances (LFR/normal/heroic/mythic) that piece has available and let you pick one. So you can downgrade the appearance of a mythic item to LFR tier if that’s the transmog you are trying to complete.

So working as intended to allow people to make that mistake, as well as to make you feel smugly superior enough that you want to post about it.


Do you know even know what selfish means? That’s not what this is about.

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Of course! We all have lives and having digital content that really emphasizes key elements like gear limitations is common sense. They could have hit enter on that sentence and Italicized the statement about which gear pieces the power would go to. Hit enter and start the next paragraph.

No, it wasn’t written like that. It was indeed written with the intent of concealing information at the bottom of a large paragraph. Which your eyes naturally divert to the next part - this is basic multimedia 101 I should know I went to college for this haha

Anyway. I hope the sting of this situation gets better for ya. And I hope the blue post gets updated to emphasize the gear limits.


Except it’s not a transmog piece. The piece is turned into a raid piece with stats from the piece in the raid.

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That’s a good idea!

I just don’t understand why some people think there isn’t a problem when there are so many complaints.

In what world has telling someone to “get good” actually worked and not been a passive aggressive jab? :joy:

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Not a villain, but someone making a mistake and showing off as narcisistic and hypocritical. The information you gave was showed as unable to reach many people complaining here. Selectively discarding their reasoning and reinforcing your weak arguments with an passionate effort reflects that.

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On top of those who simply waste a charge, there’s bound to be a few people who only have world boss boots or something as an eligible item, get the quest to use it, then never touch it again.

If one never read the forums or mmoheadveins, it might just look like an expensive transmog dispenser at first glance.

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You mean it doesn’t change the appearance, and you and others haven’t been telling us for days that it can be used for “transmog” using that exact word?

Yes! People can make mistakes!

You’re the one who keeps saying this. Not me.

I am curious… what was the thinking behind choosing to convert the weakest armor pieces? Also didn’t knowing that these items have never had tier bonuses before worry you enough to realize that this might be a mistake and should be checked first?

Mistakes happen, maybe you’ll win the Blizzard ticket lottery and have that mistake fixed…