Club for people that used Creation Catalyst on non-tier gear

Subpar players are players that can read? Ok?

yea, read the whole comment, sweaty

I did, i just donā€™t feel bad for people who refuse to own up to their own mistakes.

Since this recently happened so itā€™s topicalā€¦
I wouldnā€™t load a gun, point it at someone, pull the trigger than blame someone else for it.

I donā€™t think you read the whole comment

So, were we not supposed to do this? Iā€™ve gotten nothing but garbage gear and decided to change the stats of one of them using that machine. Sorry if I wasnā€™t supposed to.

((looks out for the club))

I donā€™t think you know what you wrote, but go off I guess on how people people who are unable to critically think are victims or somethingā€¦

Thereā€™s been at least one almost every week. :man_shrugging: