Clowns in PvP

if it doesn’t matter to those at the bottom of the spectrum dancing why does it matter if im geared to the teeth at the top?

I want to sincerely apologize to a Teammate that went on a Rage Rampage because I am using PVE and PVP gear in Random Battle ground’s I hope you didn’t cry too hard or worst case scenario have a mental breakdown.

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As you can see from the replies, people love to make excuses lol

That’s my point big fella. It’s random bg so nothing really matters. People try sometimes. One of the biggest reasons people don’t take it to seriously is because of so many botters. Not as many as in epics but I was in a bg the other day and we had five people guarding farm in ab lol and that was at the start of the game! I saw a bear tank jump into the water at lighthouse and tried swimming around back toward mines in gilneas. I really don’t know what to say when I see stuff like that. I guess you can get mad but … some moms let their kids dress themselves before they go to school and this is kinda like that in bgs lol
I still like it though just remember the other side suffers from the same idiocy

then don’t show up ! ! !

why are you gonna que for something that doesn’t even matter ! !

It’s a TEAM event and MOST of the people showing up are TRYING ! !

these CLOWNS show up and do nothing but FAIL

0-8… stood next to a flag point and wouldn’t cap… was wearing gear from 20 levels ago… did 3.8K damage .03% of the entire team… was out damaged by 3 healers…
stood there barking orders to the team while the enemy capped the node he was sitting at…

BG at any level is a TEAM event not CLOWN babysitting

I feel like this thread is just classic geeks fighting eachother on alts thinking they’re trolling

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Lol this dude doesn’t get that a guy can go from trial by style and hop into a bg to show off his winning outfit and not care about objectives flags winning or anything. He just wants to /dance at farm in ab. And he couldnt be happier!! Like a pig in poop he’s laughing and having fun….meanwhile back at the same farm we have a serious bg hero upset that someone isn’t defending properly and is absolutely so miserable he is gonna go into the forums and post a thread about his angst against people in random bgs.

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I love these threads, on the one hand, you have threads where ppl are big mad about teammates not having good gear, who also are the same people who complain about players having TOO good of gear (twinks.)

Fun police detected! *cues up the lights and sirens" Weeeooooweeeeoooo!

Are you paying for his sub? If the answer is no (which I think it is), then go about your business.

If the answer is yes (which I doubt), then ask Blizzard to ban him until he straightens up!

50-59 bracket is serious business!

My son pays his own sub and isn’t a clown with no gear on, I taught him better than that.

A TEAM event requires a TEAM not people who don’t care or are there to have a dance party. There are plenty of places in this game where your gear DOESN’T matter. Joining a BG with the intent to do nothing or not care is “SABOTAGE” there is a REASON that it can be reported ! ! !

and your damn straight I report every one of them

So you abuse the report feature when people are under-geared or not up to your standards in a random, non-rated BG?

You need a woman, mate.

you not gonna show us all your huge and mighty achievements worldpvp? bg hero? lawl

So just normalize gear in low level bg’s. It’s about the only way you will get what you want.

99% sure he’s a prot warrior main that’s hardstuck 1400

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Lawl. He might have a rival title somewhere he paid for. That’s about it.

I dunno. His posting style reminds me of someone who used to post on the BG forums, Snowcrest the ret paladin. The guy read/posted on the forums quite a bit and then randomly never visited or posted on the forums again after November of last year even though he has continued to play WoW.

Then in January this alt shows up with a very similar posting style, posts in all the same forums (including the paladin forums, the only class forum this alt posts in) and posts a lot of the same opinions as Snowcrest did. He even tried to grammar cop a few people, which was something Snowcrest did constantly.

Who knows, maybe it’s not him, but it sure seems like it is.

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so punish anyone who actually has gear?? NO that’s stupid, if YOU want to PvP do YOUR job and show up in some F…ing gear.

IF it doesn’t matter then don’t show up, BUT if it does matter do YOUR part to be a TEAM player instead of a handicap

THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING :scream: no joke i was just thinking if that’s who he swapped to when he failed miserably at ret solo shuffle after saying in SL that if gear was equal he would ascend/gear ilvl being the only reason rated players won bgs

He started posting the second abomb stopped posting

He always had a lot of faction pride and loved world pvp

Snowcrest only solo q’d randoms as far as I know, I ran into him a few times

Abomb bragged about running 5 mans, which is what worldpvp does

snowcrest was very pro epic bg premade iirc/always defended inemia and had a lot of snide remarks about how regular bg premaders were gear carried and if gear was equal we wouldn’t win etc