Yes clowns, this guy shows up on my team in the 50 bracket and he’s wearing 0/5 BOA’s:
they stopped leveling up at 29 this is over 20 levels ago.
tried to tell him he should upgrade them or switch to gear that is level appropriate, his response:
- “Brother don’t start with me”
- “it doesn’t matter”
- “this is leveling BG bro who cares”
these kinds of clowns in a TEAM event are worthless, they don’t care, they don’t listen to advice and they are a waste of a TEAM slot.
the funniest part is this clown picked up the enemy flag and died multiple times and blamed the rest of the team and cried he was getting 2 shotted (with 0/5 BOA) and no HP
man it’s a leveling bg what do you expect
TEAM : A team is a group of individuals working together to achieve their goal.
showing up with gear that is over 20 levels old is NOT working together.
HANDICAPPING : a circumstance that makes progress or success difficult.
While I share your frustration with folks that don’t attempt to make themselves competitive,. you have no right tell people “not to suck at the game” as it’s their prerogative.
It’s random, it’s leveling, it’s nonsensical, but everyone who pays has a right to play the way they want.
Seems contradictive that he would complain about his gear after telling you it doesn’t matter and stuff. You sure that wasn’t just added for effect here ?
NO he didn’t complain about his gear…
He got upset when he went to grab flag and the enemy kept 2 shotting him!!
GEEE I can’t figure out why he was getting 2 shotted
game is creating lazy players who click join bg for 60 levels for free xp.
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Don’t know if I need to tag this but I wouldn’t listen to this loud at work.
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Im sorry we are all failed NPCs in your world.
Que into a Random bg…gets random players who wear random gear and do random things….gets angry.
giggle… I don’t get angry, I just watch them get GY camped… next BG will start soon.
the point is you can’t save the clowns that have no gear
No you can’t I don’t even heal them. I don’t know what they expect. Just at least go get ah PvP gear. Random bgs is kinda hard I mean sometimes you get guys that have some gear and have a little PvP sense and can handle objectives. And if you’re really lucky you get a few rated players in there that totally understand everything and destroy people. But just as often you get some nublet who dinged and ques up into 70pvp and there they are with 200k health and no idea what to do lol I just /pray for them
just got out of a BG with a DK wearing an I-level 35 sword from 20 levels ago.
This CLOWN did 3.8k damage during the entire BG 0-8 but was giving everyone else orders in chat.
I am sooo tired of the stupidity
Well…I mean I don’t know what to say. It’s non rated PvP. They can go in there and RP and snarf each other in a hut if they want to. It’s their sub money. I mean that’s what randoms are for. Random players random gear random objectives random behaviours random map . There’s actually kind of a beauty to it because on the other team probably have a tin foil hat player too!!
If you want to play with people that play objectives Que up for Rbgs
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it’s a TEAM event, we don’t need clowns showing up doing nothing.
Blizzard needs to implement MINIMUM i-level requirements to keep the game even.
“Fair and Fun environment” my butt
id like to know where the snarfing hut is and can i just watch?
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It’s not Rated. It’s not competitive. You can zone in nekkid and /dance party if u want. It’s not to be taken seriously. Again….if you want to play competitive…Que up rated PvP. I mean not sure why you wouldn’t Put your best foot forward but some people might like to just yell orders while they snarf in a hut or they might like to whirlwind in mid or in the roads. It’s PvP kindergarten.
Play rated man
Oh man another secret anti-leveller/pro-twink thread in disguise.
You don’t have the credentials to be lording over random pvpers like that.
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This is weird … it is still competitive… it’s still a competition. Any contest between two or more parties is a competition. Whether or not it’s the “serious business” of rated, or whether it’s something to be taken seriously… is up to the individual to decide.