Cloudsong Glaive Item

Just wondering is it possible to get this item? i didn’t play in wod.

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No, It’s a WoD CM Exclusive item, It is one of the less than 1,000 items in the game that is unobtainable, And It shall remain that way no matter how much blastkrizzle screams fomo, It’s a prestige item much like the Gladiator mounts/sets.




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No, unless you completed 8/8 gold wod cms on one of your characters.

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There’s a lot of mogs in this game, champ. You’ll be fine.

Yes, but as those items age, new items eventually look better. There are plenty of items in game currently that look substantially better than the CM armor or weapons of Mists and WoD. But, they’re locked away, and that’s what makes them appealing.

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To this day, I have personally not found a better item animation wise for 2h Female Pandaren, Or 2H Kul Tiran DK than my cloudsong glaive, The one weapon I actually DID CM’s for back in the day.

And not seeing it on 800 other characters every day also helps keep the fantasy of feeling, Looking and being unique in a vast world.

Indeed. People want cloudsong glaives because they can’t have them. That’s pretty much it. Same reason people wear tier 3 - exclusivity.

Wait people want their characters to look unique in a multiplayer game that has emphasis on you being attatched to your character?

insert Tf2 soldier voice here Noo…

Im just simply asking a question guys. dont derail or troll each other okay. thanks.

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This is why I wish there were elite M+ mogs. I hate that there’s nothing prestigious from M+ other than the rank 1 title.

Honestly I feel like everyone should be fighting for that, Unique Mogs from M+ Seasons to match the unique mogs/mounts/weaponvisuals from PvP and Raid.

Rather than blastkrizzle wasting his time senselessly trying to take my toys.

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This dude going on some type of FOMO crusade when it has nothing to do with the thread lmao. Take it easy

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Yeah, yeah, but the glaive is all big and obnoxious. Similar thing with the fire sword.

Which fire sword do you speak of, We have… A few pretty neato burrito fire swords.

The big boy firesword, Never really liked that one myself, But it is a big firery sword.

Is that a giant flaming sword, or are you just happy to see me?

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If you’re going to be this arrogant at least say it with your chest on your main.