Closing Free Character Moves to Heartseeker

As an alliance member I hate that Heartseeker was left open longer. It was perfect after the first week long transfers and now it’s too overcrowded. Especially now that layer is removed it’s going to be dreadful. I’d like to move back to Incendius.

Blizzard opened the largest servers for free transfers and most of the people who transferred were alliance. Why? Because horde outnumber alliance 2 to 1 on almost every PvP server. Blizzard can’t balance PvP servers because the players aren’t balanced. Heartseeker is just most other PvP servers, reversed.

@Kaivax In the post, it states that only transfers from Faerlina and Stalagg are closing. However, I cannot transfer from Skeram to Heartseeker now even though the post says nothing about Skeram. My guild transferred and I don’t want to be left behind.

I’m happy to know that in some alternate universe (heartseeker) the horde are getting camped as much as I do on mine (kirtanos)

Joking aside, This is what Retail feels like for a long time Alliance player. There’s just ways to escape in retail, (WM off, Flying) Well come to the hunted lol

For Clarification I like PVP but WPVP on an Imbalanced server is typically 2-3 jump on me while I am killing a mob. With Spy lighting up like a christmas tree the whole time, and no chance of help nearby OR help that is scared to help due to retaliation


Had a similar issue. When I saw this post I began transferring off Skeram as I took this as my warning to make it happen before they close the transfers off from there.

My main priest got stuck because he had auctions. I opened a ticket about it and pointed out that they said they would announce when closures would happen on the main realm transfer post posted on the 19th. And that post said nothing and neither did this post there was no mention of Skeram ending transfers to Heartseeker at all.

I got this for a response. Short version. Pay us in a few months when we release paid transfers because 15 years later we still cant announce things properly.

Hello Alex! Specialist Game Master Louskim here,

I understand that you are wondering if it would be possible to get your character moved to Heartseeker with the realm migration but it had Auctions pending that would prevent it from being able to be moved.

Taking a look into this, I can totally understand the frustration with this. Once a bid has been placed it is not possible to cancel them and they would need to either be bought out or have someone out bid you on those items.

With the realm migrations being over and this being a character on the Classic realms, there would not be a way for us to be able to get them moved I’m afraid.

It is kind of a perfect storm of situations that can cause this to happen and for it to be missed.

I know the Dev team is talking about possibly adding character services to Classic, but I couldnt say if or when that would be added.

I did go ahead and get some feed back sent up to the Dev team about this to see if we can help in these situations going forward though.

I know this was not the answer you were hoping to hear, but I hope it does help explain things a bit more in detail. Thank you for your time and patience here. I hope your adventures are half as epic as you

Blizzard is hot garbage. They don’t care that every other PVP server is imbalanced with too many Horde ganking noob Alliance.

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Nice necro.

Please open trasnfers for heartseeker alliance to kromcrush thanks!