Thanks for everyone’s responses and Discord DM’s – I’ve found a new home 
Healer returning to Alliance Frostmourne as resto druid, now looking for a raiding guild to call home. I have not had much focus on mythic raiding as my priority in BFA was primarily focused on mythic dungeons.
Ideally, I would like to find a guild that raids no more than 3 nights a week (any start time from anywhere between 7:00-8:30 PM ST), and are capable of at least few early mythic bosses once Heroic raid is on farm.
Please feel free to hit me up on Battlenet (Abberlaine#11596) or Discord (Abe#6084).
Thanks for taking the time to read 
hey there check out
Hey there
Immortal is recruiting! We are a Cael/Nag/saur horde guild, made up of Aussie/NZ WoW addicts. EST 2009, we are on the look out for active players, 18+ who are bordering on an unhealthy obsession with their WoW toons in the lead up to SL.
We have space in our raid team for 1 healer, but we are always on the lookout for active players .We are a heroic team building into a mythic raid team ,also after those who love to push high keys. Raid times are wed/fri 7.30pm-9.30pm server time and a 3rd raid night once mythic raiding starts
We like to have a few drinks while we play and get stuff done, we’re a close knit group and are always looking to push ourselves to excel at our elected toons and classes. Always achieving Aotc.
Chuck me a message for more info on Rushnak#1325
Hey, Feralkiwi – thanks so much for the reply! I’m not too sure, but I do not believe that the servers you mentioned are merged with Frostmourne?
Unfortunately, I’m locked to Frostmourne; I already paid to transfer here, and I’m not about to move again, sorry!
Again though, thanks heaps for the reply and best of luck in Shadowlands!
You might want to consider us - however we have a start time of 2330hrs ST instead, but do give our post a read and if you’re interested I would love to have a chat with you regarding your preferences for raids. Drop me a message or something if the raids time are still okay for you! Thanks ~
Best regards,
Bnet BranBiscuits#1686
Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452
Hey Luna! Thanks so much for your reply. I had considered it; however, in a few months I’m going to have to join the masses and look for a steady 9-5 job again which will make raiding at your times extremely difficult 
Thanks for replying tho’!