<CLOSED on recruitment>

Hello All!,

Coming to you live from stormrage! At this moment me and 2 other friends have finally caved in and we wanna form our own push group! A little bout us feel free to look me up on raider i.o, I have 6 other characters all pushing 2700+ i.o with my voker being 3K+. our other players with a similar track record.

We are currently looking for 1 heals, and 1 dps… currently we would like something along the lines of a MW monk, or Disc priest, but have so many characters for other comps that we would consider all. For the DPS we are looking for a mage, ret Pally, outlaw rogue, Aug voker, or shadow priest. Again we would also consider all outside of those areas.

Our team is a group of mature, humorous folks that enjoy keeping things light but also when it comes down to focus time we are good at hitting the switch and locking in. We are looking to push higher keys, current short term goal is to complete all 26s, and go higher after that with a long term goal to achieve title. We are available weekdays and weekends so run schedule can be flexible. We are looking for minimum two solid nights to dedicate to pushing that will work with the group. But again we can flex on days and run more often if schedules permit.

If your interested hit me up via discord user: ericmbp_
Feel free to let me know your schedule, experience, and goals for rating we are looking for people with minimum 2800+ i.o experience.

Thanks All!!


I would be interested but I’m a feral and only 2770 exp :confused:

Hey look its a bird or a plane


im 3,1k and was 3k last season i play both holy and ret paladin


i also record my gameplay and have uploaded 1 whole youtube video if you want to see healing footage.

i have more videos but are on the bloopers/to be discarded since keys can brick by any reason.


Are you guys still looking for another dps?

I find it interesting how I was 2770exp when I posted on here, and now am 3k but since I’m a feral nobody will take me lol.

Still Looking for a healer, pref Disc priest, Rdruid, or MW Monk, still looking for dps, pref Spriest, Fire mage, Ret pally. Also open to tanks pref DH. I saw some ret pally posted here so il be hitting em up, been traveling this last week so haven’t been able to follow up yet. But as of right now still looking until I do some follow ups.

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You still looking for teammates?

recruitment for now is closed.

thanks everyone for the messages!