No longer recruiting.
Looking forward to this!
My wife and I are interesting in chatting about this guild. Please message us on Discord or our battle tags.
Amartij29#1713 or Titan#11232
We are also on discord with mommabear#0240
Hey im really interested in your guild but i couldn’t get a hold of your gm, if you can message me at Nelth#7248 on discord or add me at Nelth#11229.
Also very interested in joining
You can add me on my battletag as well: Skeith#11562
Looking forward to hearing from everyone!
Looking for friendly players to join our Awesome Guild!
Everyone’s welcome, experienced and new alike!
Discord server is now open to allow new prospects entry to join. Once in, you can contact the Admins & Moderators to be upgraded to member after a short interview.
We are looking for people to join our Awesome Guild! For casual players and hardcore alike! We’d be happy for you to join us!!
We currently in need of more Warriors, Rogues, Shamans, Mages to become a part of the core raid team. But as always, all classes specs welcome as we will accept casual, semi-hardcore,and hardcore alike.
Imagine willingly playing on the streamer server.
We’ve done a lot of organizing in the last few days and things are coming together very nicely! Come join us to take Azeroth by storm!
If you are still looking for a home, please feel free to jump into the Discord! We’re family friendly and love getting the chance to meet with everyone!
Our ranks are filling but we still have spots open!
Imagine letting streamers impact where you play.
To the top of the list we go!
For those interested, we are in great need of DPS Warriors and Mages. Don’t let this discourage you if you are wanting to play a different class though.
Back to the top!
Today is the big day. We’ll always be looking for new members in game.