Closed Beta Shutting Down Today

And KT

And Horde has Ragnaros too.

I want to see Rag but I don’t get off work until 5, won’t be home until 6.

Someone needs to make a witty “Rag killed Classic” post.

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I guess save your sensitive ears in a safe space?

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Well. Now like 6 weeks of not having any WoW content to watch on Twitch XD

He should have been put in the elf city. Burn the vermin right out.

Don’t forget to uninstall the beta/old stress test if you still have it, folks :).

Not the regular Classic client though, you’ll need that for the next stress test.

Thunderfury is dropping off all the flames so people are looting them and they can be equipped.


I am actually a little bit sad. Watched Madseasons die in the IF forge.

Can’t wait to see you all at launch!!

Thanks for the fun event Blizzard. To all the friends made and unmet on the PvE Horde, though we were not many, I hope you had and have just as much fun leveling on your next characters! See you in 45 days.

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