Closed - 464 Druid Looking

Illidan[H] REWIND


We are recruiting for core spot in mythic raiding. Currently 12/12H and 4/12M. 7/8M EP and 9/9M in BoD. Historically we were a 2 day guild and decided to move to 3 day guild starting in 8.3.

Raid times

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7PM to 10PM EST (Need to be online 15 minutes before raid to do trash). After CE, we will drop to a 2 day schedule.

How to Apply

  • Apply here :

  • If you don’t put any effort in your app, probably shouldn’t app.

  • Don’t see your class or spec? No worries! Applications are always open, and every class, role, and spec is encouraged to app.


If you have any questions feel free to message any of the below (please note that adding someone doesn’t mean you won’t need to app :slight_smile:

Nietto : Mat#11420

Rawrlax : Snoarlax#1646

Asagami : Sasha#12635

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Greetings leafbender,

If you are open to Horde let us know. Our raid teams parent guild is over 500 active players so there is always something going on. There are also normal raids over the weekend.

Steel Dragon: 11/12H - Area52

Recruitment Needs:

  • Ranged DPS
  • Elemental Shaman W/ Strong Resto OS
  • Holy Pally
  • 1-2 Melee DPS

Raid Schedule

  • Tuesday ( 7-10PM EST )
  • Thursday ( 7-10PM EST )

Optional: Normal and alt runs on Friday/Saturday night.

Our team is currently recruiting to finish up heroic NYA and move into mythic progression as quickly as possible. We are a semi-hardcore guild on a casual 2 night per week schedule, motivated to achieve AOTC in a timely manner and push as far as possible into mythic in the time provided. We have been raiding together since 2015 and have achieved AOTC each tier doing so. We strive to make sure all of our members are up to par on fights and their classes so no issues occur and hold back progression. Currently looking to expand our roster to 25 for heroic to insure a solid competitive roster for mythic progression.

Raid History:

Battle for Azeroth:

  • 2/8M Uldir
  • 3/9M BoD
  • 2/2H CoS
  • 4/8M EP

All of our officer core has completed heroic and been aotc since 2015 and progressed further into mythic progression.

Legion Progression:

  • 9/11 Mythic ATBT
  • 6/9 Mythic ToS
  • 5/10 Mythic Nighthold
  • 3/3 Mythic Trial of Valor
  • 4/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare

Our Expectations:

  • High attendance (90%+)
  • Knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • Prepared for raid every night Flask/Pots/Food/ Vantus Ruins( If Needed)
  • 450 ilvl / 70 minimum neck with rank 3 essences

Feast/Cauldron will be provided as we further progress. All are expected to come prepared.

10 minute break will happen halfway through raid at a good stopping point.

  • Be prepared to continuosly keep pulling throughout the night (No AFK except during break or officer log checks will be tolerated as our time per week is limited).


  • Recruitment/Healing Officer: Gypsì - Xstratik#11324
  • RL: Alarus - Alarus#1329
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**Perseverance** - Currently 11/12H

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 cst (10-1 est, 7-10 pst)

Recruitment Needs:

WW Monk (preferably with Brew OS)
Shadow Priest
Havoc DH

Always recruiting exceptional dps with positive, friendly attitudes!

About us:
We are a group of adults with lives outside of WoW… ok so that might be a bit of a stretch. But most of us do have jobs, spouses, kids, etc. keeping us busy IRL, so when we log into the game, we’re here to have fun and unwind. With a limited 2-day schedule, we do take raid time seriously, but we also value our fairly relaxed, social atmosphere.

Our focus is on completing AotC every tier, and then we will tackle mythic fights as time allows. We will not push for mythic progression at the expense of our atmosphere

We are also looking for more folks interested in dedicated mythic + groups. We currently have several members who enjoy running them and would like to add a few more to our roster to give them the opportunity to push a little higher more regularly.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a trial run, you can contact myself or an officer in game at:


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Hello Leafbender, we are a casual progression guild looking for a couple DPS to fill out our raid for Mythic (11/12H). Take a look at the guild spam below and if we seem like a guild you might be interested in feel free to contact me:
Discord Corenne#7007
Battle tag frosty#1498

Server: Blackhand/Galakrond
Faction: Horde
Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 7:30PM – 10:30PM CST

Enlightened Dark is recruiting for Ny’alotha, currently 11/12H. We are looking 1-2 dps to fill out our raid team for Mythic (pref range). We are a casual progression guild whose goal is to get AoTC for current content then try and move into Mythic as much as possible.

Raid times are Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 CST. There are also optional Sunday social/alt raid runs and Mythic Mondays.

What to expect from us:

  • Raiding at a semi-casual level, but still clearing content in a reasonable time frame.
  • Help with providing raid consumables and enchants/gems
  • Help with classes or in game knowledge when needed

What we expect from you:

  • Be respectful! (we like to joke around and have fun with each other, this includes non-pc; if it is being directed at you and you don’t like it please say something and we will stop but don’t expect others to stop making jokes with each other)
  • Be prepared for raids (consumable, strats, addons, etc)
  • Ability to listen, learn, and open to constructive criticism while learning
  • Prior notice if unable to make raids (let us know as soon as possible) we do understand real life happens!

Expansion Raiding Progression:

EP – 3/8M 8/8H(AoTC)
CoS - 2/2H(AoTC)
BFD - 1/8M 8/8H(AoTC)
Uldir - 2/8M 8/8H(AoTC)

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via this forum, discord or in game. Also any of our officers in game: Ranes, Raellia, and Anxiety

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Hey! Number Go Up [A] Is a newly formed guild (US-Stormrage) founded by mythic raiders (CE BoD and Uldir, 7/8m EP) looking to expand our raid team going into next expansion to be ready for the first tier of mythic raiding! Our current plans for this tier are to gather a roster to potentially begin doing mythic and clear heroic on a weekly basis once we have the people for it.
Raid times: Our Current schedule is 8:00-11:30pm EST Saturdays and Sundays.
How to Apply: Our Google form application can be found here; (copy/paste URL). Alternatively you can message me at Nov#7240 on discord or Nov99#1826 on bnet (and feel free to do so with any questions/concerns!)

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