Clones or fresh

Its not really fun trying to pvp against a bunch of naxx-geared fury warriors while in blues.

every raid is GDKP. so unless you buy gold, you aren’t getting geared up on a new toon.


Consider playing on a realm that isn’t fully established. WoW PvP will always have gear discrepancies but the other issue isn’t omnipresent unless you’re on a free transfer realm.

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this is such a lolcope. you can easily get into raids and get MC/BWL gear, you just don’t want to put in the effort :expressionless:


ERA is mage boosting into gdkps until they bring back clones.

Feel bad for the dude who leveled all the way to 60 to find out the hardway.


Don’t project the behavior you witness in one cluster of Era onto all the others.

what are u even talking about clownie :clown_face: 1 cluster is exactly like this the other is dead af. stop trying to cope for ur dead, gdkp, mageboosting, dog water experience of a game that is vanilla.

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That’s funny. Wrath called and said they wish they had it good like Vanilla


wrath is bad too, i stopped playing that in jan. its boring not fun and players cant handle mechanics thats why they came back to snore fest vanilla XD

This is what I have always said. Half a decade old servers end up too heavy as you see.

Or… you can play on despitebeings server who can’t even clear MC let alone zg.

Fresh is necessary for these proofs alone. Shall I provide more?


You stopped playing because you are terrible/probably replaced

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nah my guild did not want to commit for more than 2 nights a week to raiding or more than 3 hours a night. we got into a argument and me and my best bud left b/c they werent going to change. still had a wow friend in that guild for the next 2 weeks after me and my bud left (both of us were main tanks) and the guild died and they all stopped playing. LOL. they tried reaching out to get us back but irl stuff happened/other games. decided to walk away uld was a let down too “best raid ever” pffft. black temple was the goat

Was black temple the goat tho? Just another stand out of fire mechanic.

We need to face the facts- classic wow is not about raid difficulty and if you don’t pvp on top of it you simply are not experiencing the game correctly

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I am not getting this . You are Mage . Start to Master your Class and you will have gold and gear .

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hardcore is better than endgame you should try it

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Imagine creating a seasonal version of your game and there’s no second season until a year after the first one ends. More like Year of Mastery :expressionless:

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haha year of mastery followed by a few seasons of waiting

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There’s like 2 clusters to play on if you want a healthy population lol.

Do you know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is?

Do you know what a gdkp mage boosting game is? Vanilla, and you’re to blame.

This is Classic WoW, not Vanilla. I’m very pleased to say neither of those malignancies afflict my native realm.