Cloak questline question

I finished up the first zone and now I’m in pandaland. How many more zones do I need to do before I get the cloak?


but seriously, that’s the last zone. sure you will still have a quest or two sending you off but it shouldn’t take more than an hour or two once reaching panda land for the first time.

Here’s a link to a step by step guide on getting the cloak.

There’s 15 steps. GL.


15 Steps for each one of your toons! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Only on GD do players whine about content in a content patch :roll_eyes:


The loading screens really kill the hype for this quest so I don’t blame people

Trash content will be trash content, the quest line is disgustingly long and boring’

They could have at least given the cloak to alts instantly but nope.

They don’t realize that people simply are fed up with bulltrash systems on top of systems, the reason they see less participation isn’t because they don’t know how to do it, it is because they don’t want to bloody bother.

But blizzard is so lost in their delusions they believe ppl are just dumb that is why they make guides on how to get the cloak or remove vendors

It was a question ? Not whining ?

Once you have completed the quest line with your main, you can skip 2 parts of it on alts. The first one is when you first meet Magni in Halls of Origination talk to him again to skip ahead. And the other is after finishing Ra-den’s quest in the Vale talk to him to skip the Engine of Nalak’sha scenario. Unfortunately we can’t skip Wrathion’s quest in Blackwing Descent.

go to BWD and steamroll the mobs which is ironically easy considering what you went thru to get there the flight to BWD is actually longer and harder than the fights themselves

Content patch has no quest chains - Blizz why you so lazy can’t even give any world content quest chains.

Content patch has involved, 2-3 hour quest chain with a strong reward - Blizz why you force us to grind though content we hate.

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Looks at classic, where there are no catch-up mechanics for leveling, gear, or attunements. Sees the hours long questlines to upgrade each piece of the dungeon gear and sees players praise casual world content that leads to character power.

Looks at retail and sees players complaining about not enough catchup and one 2 hour questline.