Cloak Question

Heya! So my cloak is currently at rank 12. With corruptions going away is there a downside to spending my Echoes on the upgrades from Mother once I hit 15? I’ve got about 25k Echoes so it seems like the best bet is to bump the cloak up just to increase the iLevel before the expansion. Am I missing something?
Thanks for the help!

As far as I know, once you get your cloak to Rank 15 its item level will be 500 and that is all the higher it will go. Buying the Malefic Cores from MOTHER will only upgrade/increase the Corruption Resistance on your cloak - they do not increase the item level past 500 which you get from having a Rank 15 cloak. Hope that helps!

Gotcha! Thanks again. :slight_smile:

You can use them to buy the Vessels to do the horrific visions. Especially if you want to farm out the backpack transmog and the pet, using echoes for your runs instead of coalescing visions means less time farming Uldum/Vale stuff.

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